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My imperfections and failures are as much a blessing from God as my successes and talents.  ~ Mahatma Gandhi

Sunday, May 22, 2022

Building momentum in the direction you desire to go.

 This is not about the cocoa treat in my hand...

This is more about building momentum in the direction you desire to go.
This was me... enjoying the lack of guilt as well as the perceived moment of pleasure amidst a rough week...
It's 'actually' emotional eating. AND...years ago when I was with FYM and on my 'fat loss' journey, I accepted a big 'fact'. I experience emotional eating. OR emotional 'non-eating'. But I was on a mission to meet up with mt goal, so I made my snacks and comfort foods 'healthier'. So, depending on the 'craving', I would modify the food. Back then, raw veggie sticks was my go-to for crunch and no limit imposed either. From there, it built up my momentum and changed the idea of what brought me 'comfort'.
With that, my 'appetite' for other healthier swaps and habits set in, and soon enough I was enjoying my goal size and level of fitness... just from allowing myself to be where I was at...but with the upgrade.
I apply this to most habits or behaviours I experience resistance in shifting. What small tweak can I make that makes it super simple to accept and perform, and contributes to the change I am looking to make or grow in?
The moment was temporary and the 'need' was both get something to eat that followed the plan I have set and 'satisfy' what I felt in the mood for.
What small swaps can you make as you are growing and changing in your journey toward your best and better self?

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