Good mawning!
I'm in reflection mode.
Considering the conversation yesterday and the journey of humble and humility.
Years ago, on bended knee, making mud with my tears as my face was to the ground ... I heard the resounding voice speak to my heart.
"Look up!" Then you will know humility.
LOL... what? So if I am "dust", by looking WAY up, then I will "know" that I am dust?
From the perspective of God...then we can "see" and "know".
Who are we trying to 'convince' when we beat ourselves up and speak from depreciation?
Our egoic selves. That's what I think. To 'remind' ourselves to shift in our perspective...and to consider...
To consider that in amongst MUCH grandeur and vastness. Among many wonders and aee inspiring creations, that EVEN our planet and sun are as dust to giants in the universe...
And yet... we are not only a consideration, but on the 'mind' of God that we are 'wonderfully and fearfully made.'
With intricate derails and depths of wonder beyond the fullness of full exploration to this 'daye' through our 'own' minds.
Look up and 'know' that the gaze of God is upon YOU... and holds no regret in your creation and existence...
Consider...and try and accept that 'space, Great, and Heart' that was pleased to see you come into life itself. 

It's that 'wow' moment (time and time again) that humbles me... and reminds me to 'Look UP'
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