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My imperfections and failures are as much a blessing from God as my successes and talents.  ~ Mahatma Gandhi

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Sawubona - Seeing me, and seeing "we"

 Good morning!

Let's have an honest talk about yesterday....
How did your day go? Simple? As usual? Same ol', same ol'? For me, it was NOT a "usual" day for me (yes I didn't use "an" on purpose 😉 ), but sitting here this morning, I am reflecting on the fact that, indeed, it used to be....
....second guessing, feeling "off", almost as though I was scraped by sandpaper....
What kind of situations in your experience make you feel that way?
I was snacking on ALL the things LOL 😄😄 an attempt to help me to process....and this morning, I received the grounding I needed.
The thing that kept coming back to mind that helped me through is...."Sawubona".
Years ago, after reading my friend, Brian Grasso's book, I gave myself a little experiment. I had started something similar with a kindness experiment before reading the book, but the understanding was deepened with the concept of Sawubona. It was chapter 3 and I realized there was a missing part to my kindness project. "See yourself & Others" it was called. I forget to INCLUDE myself in the project. I was focusing more on the scientific aspect of the increase in seratonin levels of the receiver, the giver, and the observer, but I wasn't really SEEING myself in the project. To truly value and SEE's amazing to offer true connection to others...and I took it a step further to "offer" true connection to myself.
From that point, it all became just an overflow....I was IN joy no matter what LOL. I picked a weed from a neighbour's lawn and felt no judgment for it. I held doors and shared smiles with no recoil.
Because for YEARS, I was chastised for smiling, for talking and connecting with strangers, and definitely judged for approaching others and offering some help without wanting "something" back. And it was usually quite a messy aftermath. I didn't care about the receiving, I cared about the experience of the "other" in the moment....And it felt SO GOOD to finally connect back in with ME!!! And I mean "ME", "M-E" with a capital "JOY!" in front of it!
It was to a point where I was dancing through the streets and smiling 😃 ....most would look away and put their heads down, but I recall one guy started to dance at a distance "with me", complement my hat, and continue on his way ❤ It was a great day (and I love the hat too 😉 )
From there, I built a foundation of "knowing" myself. I would build in a standard of things I would share with my boys, stuff that I would not do or say or contribute to, that would no longer flow from me, and then things I would remain sensitive to, as I saw it being the "gift" that I could help others with....
And yesterday, I was reminded very well, that it is IMPORTANT to nurture and know myself to the core. I keep it short and simple. Simple and consistent, and I practice daily. The values that I value within me...seems like a narrow path, but it has a broad and beneficial reach...this morning I am reminded to love, in joy, and to make sure I can see that for myself and for others.

Monday, October 28, 2019

The stories and beliefs we hold in our heads can be a barrier in our life

 Good morning!

Yesterday I witnessed/experienced a few incidents, where, it is obvious to me that it is Halloween time! 😂😂😂
Okay seriously though, over the last few weeks, I've been challenged with who do I "stand" for. What portion of the population is a "hot spot" for me. And in that time, I have been added to a Mom's group, a women's group, and then I realized, I love to share support and encouragement from my experiences in life and if anyone gains support through, I am grateful to have helped.
But one particular group stands out to me....those who struggle within their own mental banter. I have helped many to unpack that mental journey for allow them "space" to sit back from the barragement of attacks just long enough to "see" themselves in it, and release what is no longer serving them. To personally unravel the cords of stories of hurt and pain that have looped themselves around and around.....and twisted it into a knot that sits in the back of your you know the one? That keeps your words and expression trapped? That leaves you choking on your tears sometimes....that hold back the scream and cathartic yelp of frustration? Yeah.....that space. That is the "space" I have been willing to sit in with others.
Because I have been there. Because I still have areas in my life where that comes up....AND I have the tools to help me through it (not always easy, but it is doable)....mainly because I have been willing to SEE others and extend a helping hand, and THROUGH it have learned many things and gathered the gifted tools to add to my "toolbox".
Yesterday, I got to witness 3 distinct where someone's "ego" got in the way of considering someone else's safety and well, where someone thought it funny to devalue someone's life and existence and reduce them to possession and property in open conversation....and another, when in the attempt to connect, this young individual assumed a lack of intelligence in those he was connecting with. The thing that stood out was their INSISTENCE to be right. Kindness and compassion were not used in the first two, and the latter experienced surprise when they found out they may have been wrong, but yet proceeded to give poor advice.
The things I took away in those moments....the stories in our heads can be our barrier to communication, compassion, and connection (be willing to let them go or "grow up"...sometimes we create stories to be our "step up" to our next level of awareness, but its okay to let them be left behind if they can't grow with us ) ....allow for the possibility of humility, speak UP! (sometimes things should not go unsaid in the face of things that should not be said 😉 ), and finally, sometimes going for the connection and allowing truth to show itself is better (thank you boys for your knowing in silence mode....).
SO I "stand" or sit with those who are trapped within their own minds and stories first (and willing to reach out for help) ,and I love helping them to open it up just enough to find their own ways out ❤

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Joy in the Journey. Be your own good company

As I go through my day in the "silence" of my moments and the company of my "memories, I enjoy the unseen "valuing I get to enjoy from the "company" I keep ❤
I can only imagine the depth of "value" that each face I see holds and what "company" many are surrounded with in the journey through their thoughts and memories.
In other words, I keep myself good company because of the joy I experience from the value in my journey. It's been filled with awe and wonder ❤ And when others share from their journeys I feel honoured to be gifted in the sharing. Much love my friends ❤

Plug in Spiritually

 Good morning!

How many of you charge your phone? How much percentage do you usually charge it to? Do you leave it hovering around 15 to 20%? Probably not. Personally, I like to charge my phone to a full 100%.
But it got me thinking about us as humans and getting "charged up" spiritually. I don't think that we honestly give this area of our lives enough thought. We don't even "plug ourselves in" long enough to get a full charge. And I can only imagine that most of us leave ourselves hanging out at around 15 - 20% with the warning notice to "plug in charger" flashing a reminder on a daily basis.
What does that "reminder" look like? Feeling sad, feeling frustrated and wanting to get away or go on a "much needed" vacation, getting easily annoyed with people and sounds, feeling of being anxious and not feeling grateful for the "wins" in your life each day....
It just seems to me, that much of us, even including myself, don't quite "allow" ourselves to sit long enough to or connect in frequently enough to get more of a fuller charge.
And then I thought, those that allow themselves to reach at least 50% definitely show a different result in their lives. And even higher than that? Things in their lives just "flow". Often people would say that they are "lucky" or truly blessed, but what if that "blessing" or luck is actually, available to us all. I think it is!!! We just have to allow ourselves to connect in and receive the fullness of that charge.
Imagine how much will shift knowing you aren't hovering around the edge of the warning notice. Hmmmmm....Well, time to "plug in"....even just for a little bit 😉

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Greetings to you my friends...."Sawubona."

 Good morning!

Sawubona - "...It literally means “I see you, you are important to me and I value you”. It's a way to make the other person visible and to accept them as they are with their virtues, nuances, and flaws."
Approach others this way and you will be gifted as well. Approach yourself this way and you will have the ease of "knowing" that allows you to share it naturally.
"...give a man a fish and you feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime."
Self-practice is where we "teach" ourselves . And from that space, we can share it (gift it) with others and nurture ourselves with it as well.
Yes, as a mother, I have helped my boys to learn self-care practices, but not so that I could go in every day to brush their teeth for them , but so that they can choose to apply this healthy daily practice for themselves.
Traditional sharing of information and good practices started with the student learning for themselves and then growing to the point of being able to "pass" it on to others.
We CAN build one another up in a beneficial way. Starting with valuing them and valuing us being present in that connection and process.
So greetings to you my friends....or "Sawubona." ❤

Monday, October 14, 2019

Grateful for layering in the good

 LOL Good evening folks!

Today is a day that many are sharing thanks with one another.
My gratitude that sits big for me today is in the practice of recognizing when I am choosing and thinking from a driver that not only doesn't serve me, but ALSO keeps looking for PROOF of that perspective and flaunts the proof lie a badge of honour.
When I truly am choosing from my CORE "self", it is inclusive....considers the presence of others in my life....enjoys the gift of connection....looks for ways that benefit BEYOND meeting my own needs as well (yes, I am a part of the picture).....and fills me up in ways I didn't imagine. It serves both me AND my environment and those around me. The perspective of my "driver" that serves me almost ALWAYS is bigger and simpler.
Today, a choice was made by our family in a way that served us ALL well. Everyone got to express freely, the bigger picture felt lighter and more at peace and in the end, it turned out to be a great day. No forcing for creating a good or bad in the situation, no comparisons needed....just a that served and considered....and it worked out fine.
We don't need to be so fancy as much as simple and effective can work in making decisions. Start from a solid, core foundation (what are priorities for you that add to your joy and fulfillment in life? Yes, those "feel-good" things that don't get considered often....yeah, don't overlook the simple) that allows you to build the life you would choose...(and even beyond what you could imagine) to meet you in the next day and the next day after that.
I'm grateful for layering in the good and growing from it's nurturing nature in my life.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Mental Health Awareness and One another love


Good morning.
Yesterday was Mental Health Awareness day.
And I started off the day (after quiet time/ journalling/ self-care pactice) by reading a post about a woman who was the witness to her son's murder here in Canada. It was not a simple clash on the playground, it was a criminal act of violence. There is a difference.
What I want to share is an important look into the life we have been living for several years now.
Abuse has its many forms. And perhaps I am sensitive to it due to situations from my own life....however, it trickles into the various networks of our society and often goes unnoticed, until it is having an adverse affect on someone's life.
This gem in my life is celebrated by many who surround us....and at the same time, is hated on by others. His current level of fortitude now just amazes me....he is a joy and inspiration in my life that I have been learning from for to truly love those that mock you, harass you, lie about you, shout profanities to you on the soccer field, point fingers at you and laugh openly (as an adult) in an airport (while others looked at them with disgust)...and to stand up for others so they don't have to go through the same harassment that you have been through ❤ 😭.
He has ridden quite a roller coaster of experiences....he is mature in ways I look juvenile to....and we are on the road of maintaining and growing his mental health in the face of all of it.
There was a rough patch, a few years ago (when this picture was taken), and his health started to crash. A doctor shared that his Qi was low...among other things...and even now my heart sits a bit heavy remembering it all. After the many, many years of "standing" up and reporting almost daily about ill treatment, he was at his max with it....
Mental Health isn't so much about the person experiencing it as much as it is about who we are surrounded by on a consistent basis and how that supports our well-being. What is the health of the village? How is the community you are choosing to be in building you up?....and how are you receiving it? Are you allowing yourself to be built up by those around you?
This child was like a ray of light and then it got dampened in environments I was not present....the village has a strong influence....HOW can we bring HEALTH and WELL BEING back into the threads of our villages? With each and every one of us choosing to BE that healthy, mindful, kind, and compassionate influence on those around us. We have to step in and recognize whether or not we are a healthy thread...and if not, KNOW that there is support out there to build you up in a way where YOUR well-being is restored and from there, you are that thread of strength and well-being for YOUR entire village as well ❤
Let's BE "Well Beings" together ❤

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

The Relationship between Fear and Faith

 Good morning!

I would like to share from my ponderings this morning about a common theme I have been hearing over the last week....the relationship between fear and faith.
A quote was recently shared with me on this ...
" “I must be aware of bad things, and guarded about bad things, and I must watch out for bad things by trying to guide myself toward good things.” You can’t do both at the same time. You can’t watch out for bad things, and allow good things at the same time. It is vibrationally not possible."- Esther Hicks
My statement around this topic that I have referred to for years is " increasing measure."
It comes from this verse in 2 Peter 1...
"For this very reason, make every effort to add to your faith goodness; and to goodness, knowledge; and to knowledge, self-control; and to self-control, perseverance; and to perseverance, godliness; and to godliness, mutual affection; and to mutual affection, love. For if you possess these qualities in increasing measure, they will keep you from being ineffective and unproductive in your knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ. "
Along with this one ....
"Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things."
It's not that you can't be aware of things around you that are not the best or most favourable in life, but you can understand that, your focus and attention is a currency. And where you "spend" it by giving your focus to something, is where you are investing in your life.
What do you want to grow more of in your life? Fear or Faith? If faith, and all the fruits that come from it, are what you are after, start investing your currency of choice and attention in that direction MORE often than you would towards fear-based and non-serving thoughts/behaviours/actions.
TIP THE SCALE!! Go for at least 51% invested and you have a big share in what it is that you want to be experiencing more of....because you ARE (at that point) !! 😃 😃
Daily, consider investing so that you can increase your percentage of "shares" in the stocks of YOUR life. Even just 1% better each day adds up. 😉 Make your life a good investment that you keep building on.
Fear will always be where it is at....vibrationally it stays the same...dense, heavy, stagnant.
And when you are experiencing more of the excellent and praiseworthy stuff in your life, you are also putting yourself in a position to see the bigger be inspired, help more people, and to come up with bigger and better solutions that will help to lift and build up others as well in their own lives.
It's not just for you to consider, in increasing measure, more of the good and faithful things in this world, it's for us all.