Good morning! Yesterday I was offered a lovely opportunity...and then hours later I was given insight that I was grateful for. It allowed me to see that I really believe in not just the potential within children, but their present-moment intelligence and wisdom. I also trust the my children will set aside folly in moments when it counts.
A focus on the whole package (health, wellness, spirituality, and all it's connections) and how to live the best life I can.
John 10:10
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My imperfections and failures are as much a blessing from God as my successes and talents. ~ Mahatma Gandhi

Saturday, November 28, 2015
Love, and integrity are of great value
Wednesday, November 25, 2015
Trauma triggers. Move from the sting of wounds to the gentle reminder of awareness
Do you make lists? I did at one validate my worth and activity on this blue globe. And I had to step away from it a bit, so that I could see my value beyond "hard-work" and busyness. ..I stayed busy, but my head space was far from silent once I stopped. A few (or more) years ago, I would say that I experienced a trauma. I have had break downs before, but this one was different. I now know that what I thought it was...not even close. And until I could see it for what it was, it remained an open wound and the blood of it was getting everywhere.
Sunday, November 22, 2015
Celebrating adaptability no matter where I am
Ahhh...the joy of convenience. I love having indoor plumbing, heating system to keep our home warm, electricity that just flows into our house and I don't have to think about. And I also love the compromise between roughing it and having outhouse in the dark and hearing growling from the bushes...using a generator for power and propane to heat a trailer. And even more refreshing is wood fire and layers for heat and batteries for power. They are all good to know...all good to experience, because there is a fine line between convenience and comfort...and having to compromise on either is much better by choice.
Saturday, November 21, 2015
Allowing the brainstorm to construct
Good morning! How my "brain-mind-observer" starts the day (today)....there's grain and chaff, only one produces the harvest... (....silent buzzing...) ....a huge thought past by my window, caused my heart to race and beat faster, my eyes to open, and in my awe I forgot to reach out for it, and catch it. I hope I'm in a spiral so it can come back around again....realizing my resonance starts with excellence....? Flip! My excellence begins from resonance...I'm picky about my resonance.... my children nurture me in my creativity, giving me space to be, and mindful not to interrupt me, in my evolution...crazy beautiful! LOL I was close to catching it, but my gratitude was close behind and I caught that instead....

Thursday, November 19, 2015
Inspired to go "peopling"
Good morning! Feeling "inspired " this morning... so I am gonna be a little extra authentic in my spiciness and go and be live and direct with my fellow humans least before my nap time.

Tuesday, November 17, 2015
Flow with the season... of hibernation
Alrighty...I will say that I have been in a kind of hibernation for the last bit...this is not new for me and about 20 years ago I received a diagnosis that this will be a norm for me (after experiencing for the bulk of my life). I prefer enjoying my seasonal of rest and renewal and...this time around, I am opening myself up to the opportunity of dreaming bigger...and praying deeper, reading and enjoying a little longer. ..and letting myself receive the multitude of gifts bestowed to me

The practice of nourishment
Good morning! It is one thing to assume a knowledge about something. is another thing to be personally interested on a topic. And yet another level to know what we know that we can share the info with others...and even still another, to love seeing the unfolding of the application of that knowledge in the lives of others that you are hungry and playfully compelled to share. And even yet another? take the very resonance of the knowledge into your daily practice as nourishment...allowing it to build you up into the being of its unfolding.

Monday, November 16, 2015
FB Good Morning post - November 16, 2015
Good morning! Well , I must have been travelling in my naps and sleeps this last month...sleep is at different times and I am up all through the night. About to make it a bit more productive if it keeps up.

“An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind.”
“An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind.” - Gandhi's divisiveness and not advocating for unity...oneness or the wholeness of humanity. This is a time where we need to recognize how we are more similar and celebrate what brings awe into this world. #oneanotherlove
Build on principle
My boys were playing yesterday and they created scenarios of threat (I was a Lego character and was held hostage in a dark world...interesting ). Now my rescue was all planned out ahead of time, so they had to be real careful to stick to the story they had already laid out. It put a heaviness on my heart...after witnessing quite a few inconsistencies recently and having them observed and confirmed by others.
Sunday, November 15, 2015
FB Good morning post - November 15, 2015
Good morning! There are words I want to share, but not interested in backlash, just your contemplation. I'm not asking for your approval, just your considering. I'm interested in sharing some words, but not interested in obligating you to conversation.

Saturday, November 14, 2015
Lift up in prayer
Good morning! This day has been lifted up in prayer...many sending their thoughts of love, grief, question...surrendering their thoughts of anger, sorrow, shock...wanting to hug and love one another a little more authentically...wanting to one another a little more truthfully. Surrender the pain and know that to comfort one another, compassion is required. We are made for Love first!

Friday, November 13, 2015
Stand for peace
Lest we have forgotten. ..let us all stand for Peace...within our communities, cities, and nations. And within ourselves, to be reminded to #Lovefirst before we default to raise a fist, think vengeful thoughts, wish ill on those who are involved in ill will...praying for quick and loving hands to support those around them and to shine love where others thought to cast shadows.

Challenging limitations
Good morning! Yesterday I decided to...challenge my limitations. In some way each day I had been stepping out from under limitations...for me it is a draining process at first (probably from wrestling against my resistances. ..LOL that just sounds so futile haha), but after I feel energized . Sometimes I don't "win" the fight, and it makes me feel low on myself for not succeeding. But today I asked myself "What would I do if I didn't feel limited? " "If I existed outside of limits, what would life be like?"...well, so far ...this has been an epic day. I'm enjoying witnessing myself play in it all. Very productive. ..fully expressive....and it only needs to be evident to me. Although I think others will benefit from it too.

Thursday, November 12, 2015
Backpack days
A.k.a. Camel styles. Oy! We are gonna have to find a way to downsize or start powerlifting training