Good morning! And it's been an early one too...being rebuked and encouraged first thing in the morning can be challenging, but when it comes to me during my pray time, it's pure love

I've been a bit down on myself the last few days...very subtly...feeling as though I deserve to have my car break in the way it did....perhaps to humble a prideful spirit...for turning down an opportunity to share my recent experience...that all my wrong thoughts and feelings clumped into one moment of "taking away my privilege" of saving time and not struggling through the masses of perfume/fragrance reaction each morning...that I lost my mindfulness in the moment...BUT in attacking (punishing) myself I also experienced a a lamp not fully plugged into the wall...but this morning the word "reverence" came in...and thoughts of mercy, grace, and protection...I'm grateful. I'm here. I'm blessed. I'm fearfully and wonderfully made...which means there is more to me and I better keep up with getting to know it better...more intimately...more respectfully...with reverence... to have a great and greater day 

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