Considering...a Love with no equal or opposite...insistent in its consistence...It's as constant as the sun and beyond... #eternal #Divinelove
A focus on the whole package (health, wellness, spirituality, and all it's connections) and how to live the best life I can.
John 10:10
Featured Post
My imperfections and failures are as much a blessing from God as my successes and talents. ~ Mahatma Gandhi

Sunday, November 30, 2014
Grace abounds
Good morning! (And what a good mourning indeed

Saturday, November 29, 2014
Sustainable and beneficial
Oh the joys!! Thinking about investments and realizing compounding occurs in 2 directions, but.....everyone gets excited about compounding interests AND the same get ready to through the "goat" under the bus when compounding "debt" becomes unmanageable ...another reason I want "sustainable", and "beneficial" to growth and life attached to the vision of my investments...
Adding value through connection
A man walking down the street saw a man there asking for change and felt compelled to give. He reached into his pocket, and found it was a $20 bill, but yet....he felt compelled to give he gave him a hug.

Keeping as "ready" as I can be by starting now
Making the most of each moment by preparing and keeping myself in readiness to receive the wonders life has to offer. #mindset #perspective #changeisconstant
Friday, November 28, 2014
With and without comparison, how are you feeling today?

Thursday, November 27, 2014
An intention for good builds a sustainable and ever-expanding cycle
See this shape...the donut looking thing...that is called a torus. This shape helps to illustrate how I tend to see things in my life. I chose this picture mainly on illustration purposes (with the person at the center), but the idea is that it represents flow. Pick a topic... a thing, a concept, or, as my mind has been pondering on as of late, a circumstance...actually many circumstances...and about the intention of a nation....maybe, at some point in the now, the intention will be towards building up a country's greatest resource, it's people...maybe promoting health and education will be the top focus and budget spender...and maybe, instead of war and how to foster its fruits, a new fruitfulness will become the focus. Well folks, an intention for good builds a healthy "donut", and is a sustainable and ever-expanding cycle....however, unhealthy "donuts" or flows of intentions will show its fruit as well, in time...from the inside out, the non-beneficial intention will show its true form...
SO I say, as an individual, I'm going to start with my own intentions...have them flow and grow to the benefit of others....and just maybe, we see what GOOD fruits we can harvest.
#sustainable #Lovefirst #theheartisrevealed #beyondourselves #goodtreegoodfruit
Gratitude in full effect!
Good morning! Happy new day of thanks! And Happy Thanksgiving to our US neighbours...

Wednesday, November 26, 2014
FB Good morning post - November 26, 2014
Good morning! This morning was a very peaceful morning to be in....I felt washed with feels slow, intentional, soft, radiant, and thoughts hovered around a central theme and I moved through my commute with it.
Tuesday, November 25, 2014
Celebrating my glowing ray of sunshine
Glowing ray of sunshine! It was a warm and sunny autumn day when God (and you) decided you would finally come into this world. On that day you were born , I was re-born into a new life

Life, love, and the enjoyment of the glory of it
In times of peace and prosperity....when things seem quiet and comfortable...this is when we are to abound and enjoy in celebration, the beauty that is life! And for those that forgot to enjoy and are not into celebrating, your time has come as well, the call for justice and honouring, of that beauty called life, is among us and there is a stand that must be had...firmly, to honour and, love, and the enjoyment of the glory of it. Unity in Love in on your doorstep up and walk...
A celebration of life and love
Good morning! If there was going to be a way that I would live out, day to day, my love and would be as a celebration of life and love. To think about what gratitudes exist in me to share (what have I not remembered to say thank you for...), what evidence I see and remember Love abounding around and through me and in the lives of others (while remembering all the loving Words you spoke to me and promised I might see...), and how to truly share that celebration, inviting others to share in that Joy.

Saturday, November 22, 2014
New warm breakfast fave
Good morning! Breakfast bliss! Warmed wild salmon, wilted mixed greens, chopped garlic, sauerkraut, and capers

Friday, November 21, 2014
We can receive when we are fully present with whatever moment we are in
What is there to really say? Even as a lover of words and Word, I am just feeling lovingly washed in divine confidence to Be...and to love and enjoy those that come across my path...the man on the bus deciding to take an adventure...somewhere! Wherever the bus would take him....the woman who was more focused on where she was wanting to go than the fact that the bus driver needed to report that she slipped hard on the ice...the depth of experience we can receive when we are fully present with whatever moment we are in...simple...not a big movie production (or maybe it is)...but it is....

Wednesday, November 19, 2014
FB Good morning post - November 19, 2014
Good morning! Ugh! Productive start to the day....and even with a few bumps of someone not allowed to bring snowshoes in his backpack to school (there is not that much snow out there...) and the other getting interrupted from creative inspiration so he can head off to school...everything worked out...all in perfect timing.
Tuesday, November 18, 2014
Dealing with compassionate and thoughtful people
Get a call from our mechanic...can I tell you, I am inspired by the heart of this man! And then I run into a couple...great conversation between the two of them...they are definitely having fun together....rolling with what life is for them at the moment, and honestly, I feel are a great example of optimistic people in this world...Dealing with compassionate and thoughtful people really helps to life me up each day...