I love the heart of the snowy season and winter (it hasn't arrived yet)....it's filled with the constant reminder that when others are stuck we have a choice to either go around them or to help them out. Slow down and consider your situation....when things aren't as clear ahead, that it is okay to slow down and take your time....that the snow serves as a light in the darkness....and if we take the opportunity to notice, everything is dusted with a diamond-like sparkle....#joy
A focus on the whole package (health, wellness, spirituality, and all it's connections) and how to live the best life I can.
John 10:10
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My imperfections and failures are as much a blessing from God as my successes and talents. ~ Mahatma Gandhi

Friday, November 29, 2013
Be willing to move to the next level- Wisdom from a 5th grader
Good morning! The day after losing my phone (and bus passes) and student led conferences.....I asked my son..."what ideas do you have on how to be an excellent 5th grader?"
His responses;
-Pay attention to my work
-Listen in class
-Do my best
-Be willing to move to the next grade.....
"BOOM!!" That last one was GOLDEN!!!
How many of us want to be the best at where and what we are now, but don't consider the willingness to move above and beyond our current "best" possibility? Am I will to move on to the next and "higher" version of what I am doing now? With help from my bud, I am ALSO willing to move to the next grade...

Circle of Influence matters
Good morning!
I have a question to ask... a serious question that I would like for you to ponder...What has your relationship....with yourself, been like over the years of your life?
This comes as the answer to a question someone asked, so I am posting it with my thoughts here.
Just over a week ago I got together with a couple of my childhood friends. One of these dear ladies I was noticing spoke in a similar way that I did....very direct and her tone as well was similar to my own. Our families lived in a similar complex and we were neighbours so I have always felt like she was a "cousin". Didn't even realize that we were friends before we ever went to school together many years later. But thinking back on it, while I was in Elementary school, things were VERY different. I had a handful of friends throughout my time there, but for the most part, I was alone. I was treated differently on a daily basis, called names that are still unacceptable to utter today, had gym mats stuck to my hair and then piled on me, and often not picked to play with the others during recess.
On top of it, in class I was different as well...I spent a lot of time in the library doing extra work...I was one of the few Lefties in the whole school and they kept trying to "accommodate" with desks and scissors.....like it wasn't bad enough that I was already mocked for standing out LOL. Even though I had some neighbourhood friends that I ran around with from time to time, a lot of my time was spent at school and out-of-school care "balancing" the flurries of mockery with the few occasions I got to spend with my one or two friends.
I share this because I am speaking about connections and balancing the circles of influence we pass through. I had a lot of negativity spewed at me as a child....it got less and less as I continued through school, but even another friend asked me recently how I was able to handle what she witnessed of me experiencing while we went through school together.....
...in the end, what it is that I remember most about those lonely times was the conversations I was having with myself...I had a "BUGGER off!" attitude inside that I think really saved me a whole bunch of grief growing up....truly! Much of it must of looked and sounded like a person rambling and muttering to themselves all the time
....but the dialogue with my "self" has been wide open for all these years. I really meditated on all those hard moments...moments where I was mad and frustrated and in tears all at the same time....some of those moments I shared with my parents and they had similar "bugger off" responses to share with me and try to encourage me with (LOL especially my dad...even to this day

...Later on, as I got into relationships with others it started to turn to a different tone, and my circle of influence changed ...not the best of relationships or situations, and those left me with a lot of "language" I needed to hash it out with...that mind chatter/clutter stuff that grates at you and tears you down. That stuff that tells you about your failures and your looks and uses that against you ...that reinforces doubts and shortcomings in your head, weighted with heavy expectations, and barrages you with fearful outcomes painted in the back of your mind like graffiti...I wrestled with that stuff for years...until I could hear again the soft and sometimes "salty" voice from my youth that I recognized...the one that stood by me and supported me, even when my parents couldn't.
The process of the "wrestling" is similar to what I practice today. Dear friends came up with a system, EYL, that is a much simpler version, easier to be consistent with, and that saves a lot of the work. And that is what helps to keep the "space" clear for me to nurture one of my greatest relationships in my life....with myself.
So, how has your relationship with yourself been? Feel free to share in comments or in PM.
Thursday, November 28, 2013
FB Good morning post - November 28, 2013
Good morning! I love, LOVE it when I make a healthy pot of turkey soup at JUST the right time to help me feel better inside and out. AMAZING flavour God!! You are a great chef! Love being a helper in Your kitchen

And I MUST share a sight I saw yesterday as I was running late after missing bus upon bus and contemplating if I had it in me to just walk home in the cookie dough snow.
I was watching down the street for a bus to come and nothing....everything going by in the other direction reminding me I had other (many) possibilities to get me home at a decent time had I not chosen the route I took. And then I saw a bus coming down the road...but I couldn't make out the number AND there was a vehicle behind it with 2 red lights up in the air. Was it a truck with brake lights on top? A car with red antennae? As it got closer and closer, I still couldn't make it out until it passed by and I realized....it was a silver mini van with a MENORAH strapped to the roof with two of the candles lit and below it said "HAPPY CHANUKKAH!!"
SO...Happy Thanksgiving and Happy Chanukkah....and for me, I will honour a heart filled with gratitude, PERFECT timing, and the glory of love and light!!! 

Wednesday, November 27, 2013
When the Spirit is willing and the body needs recovery
Good GLORIOUS Morning!! This is one of those days where the Spirit is willing (and up and ready to go) but the body is saying...YO!! Ummm..can I get like a few more hours of sleep...oh, and a couple days of full rest, recovery, in a clean (non-toxic) environment?? I will bring it the best I can today...now to get it going

Have a great, energized and healthful day 

Monday, November 25, 2013
CHOOSE to appreciate where you live
I know, I know folks....it is SO HARD when the weather of the Tropics is NOT at the Arctic circle or higher....I get that the complete obliteration of the "flakes" that should only be a paper craft would "warm" the heart of many (sorry skiiers, snowboarders, toboganners, sledders, snowshoers, hikers and other "extreme" sporty types....BUT for those who actually and GRATEFULLY, with full intention CHOOSE to appreciate and live where there is "snow" (ugh!! the s-word), could you please stop sharing your "grumble" as common opinion....WOW!! It's been a sunny and warm day and yet it was thick with it today

Now back to my regular, grateful AND CHEERY programming and oh yeah....my FULLEST enjoyment of the snow.... (off to strap on snowshoes and get the kids from school

P.S. Sorry Lynn for the sarcasm, and thank you for the honey!

Saturday, November 23, 2013
Sofa fort slumber party
Good morning! Fell asleep in the sofa fort last night.

Friday, November 22, 2013
Grateful to those who have inspired LIFE in me.
Good morning! And tip of the hat to Friday (which I will FULLY enjoy) ....As I sit, I marvel at the gift that we all have in reflection and remembrance. And if this gift is used properly and to its fullest, we will see a wealth of wisdom, a flurry of our forgiveness, an abundance of awe, and treasure in our tears. Mis-use will lead to misery and mess...which will still serve a divine purpose once it is honoured. It really REALLY is ALL good and all for our good. To have your heart stretched in remembering loved ones, to the triumph of overcoming challenges...their is a fuller experience if you allow for it.
This year was SO SO full, I can barely believe it was all in the span of what we call a year ( I think I got greedy and STUFFED two years into one)...Can you imagine....in the lives of those who do infinitely more in a day then you would ever wish for yourself?? Great and gifting people...WOW! In love with considering and remembering those who have inspired LIFE in me.
Have a wonder-full weekend!
Monday, November 18, 2013
Give "Friday" proper attention
HA!! I just realized that poor, poor Friday tends to get celebrated only because people can't wait to see Saturday. if you are going to TGIF, you better be saying something nice about Friday instead of saying what you are going to do once you are done with it....

The wonder of creation at work
Good MONDAY Morning! Another Marvelous beginning with the sparkling of the freshly dusted snow...I LOVE the sparkle, the crunch, the grip of my boots, liquid made into solid masterpieces! Structured water flowing free and in abundance

Okay, now to get ready for thee day.
Enjoy a beautiful day! 

Sunday, November 17, 2013
FB Good morning post - November 17, 2013
Oh yes!! WHAT a great morning

AND, I have come to realize that fighting kids in the vehicle and winter driving do not mix....at least not for me....they now know, so we should be good to go 

Friday, November 15, 2013
It's warmer than you think
Well, I checked with a co-worker and it turns out that it was averaging zero degrees celcius and NO precipitation for the whole month of November last year. Some remember nothing but rain and others were saying it was constantly snowing....Highest temp was about 10 degrees...it's funny how we remember "weather" that we experienced in Edmonton

The indigo light within the dark
Good morning! I saw indigo pulsing this morning with my eyes open in the dark...amazing is the wonders within the inward glance.
Today is an eyes/heart/mind/life-wide-open kinda day. Observe the gift of wonders that shower all around you.
Meditation and quiet time experienced and I am at peace

Enjoy a wonder-filled weekend 

Thursday, November 14, 2013
Stage 1 Pokemon! How are you evolving?
Confession time....I was really late leaving the house this morning and experienced the super-rush that I am NOT a fan of....why was I running behind? Because I was having a very important talk with a young boy was NOT focusing and giggling through seeing the value in himself....Pokémon was the priority (número uno, dos....) and everything else (including himself) was far, far at the bottom of the list. The intimacy to which he engages in his love is inspiring...AND a great lesson on how to apply myself into the knowing and loving of my great priorities....with intense intimacy. But when everything else becomes a frustration, then some shifting and readjusting needs to take place.
So I turned him into a Stage 1 Pokémon! And in order to get to his next evolution (the fact that I know this still amazes me), he needs to step up to each match (each task, challenge...himself) and use the skills he's got to the best of his ability....The focus is now on HIS next evolution and not just the cards and the game....(but now I need to tap into his knowledge so I can continue the analogy LOL)
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