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My imperfections and failures are as much a blessing from God as my successes and talents.  ~ Mahatma Gandhi

Thursday, March 10, 2022

The battle in the journey of knowing and seeing ourselves

 Good mawning!

There is a sort of battle that goes on in the process of supporting someone on the journey to seeing and experiencing themselves.
In fact, there are many little moments of coming up "against" past experiences that took a shape and significance...that sometimes colours future situations with the same stroke of the brush. That don't "allow" new moments to be unique to themselves.
The "battle" is against previous programming and conditioning that doesn't allow for you to stretch into YOUR new growth and expanded awareness... or to SEE the wonder, awe, and beauty of who you are and what your life has been.
This is why compassion, empathy, kindness, and courage are as salve to the soul. This is why daily practice of encouraging yourself and others helps to move you forward each day.
We face these "opportunities" each day. To grow, to see, to harvest the lessons and awareness, and to move forward to embrace new moments where we can grow and live a little more into.
Do you "see" more and more of you are and can become each day?

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