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My imperfections and failures are as much a blessing from God as my successes and talents.  ~ Mahatma Gandhi

Monday, March 7, 2022

Sawubona! See yourself through Counting your wins and learning your language

 Good mawning!

Lately, I have been on a project.
Okay, it’s not so recent, as the deep dive began a few years ago, but it is now getting a bit more focus.
I’ve been helping people to shift and change their unconscious (and sometimes conscious) narrative. Most of the time we are looking for either programming that has been running in the background or stories they are in the habit of telling and repeating to themselves that are not serving them in the way they want to be living.
And from what I have come across is that MANY people are “lacking” in one main and fundamental human need and desire. They do not feel or allow themselves to be SEEN and heard.
All the way back down to even allowing THEMSELVES to truly “see” who it is that they are.
I also struggle with this one personally, feeling as though others are not “hearing” me, and it can get to be frustrating if I let it.
MANY years ago, I was helping a dear friend to “review” his book before it was published. One of the chapters were about a concept called “Sawubona”. It’s a Zulu word and greeting that means “I see you”.
From this same friend and mentor, also came the mindset practice I use today, EYL 4-pillars journaling system. And I would say that it is a process that brings you to a point of gifting yourself with the power of being “seen”.
2 of those pillars in particular require such self-reflection, Counting Your Wins and Learning Your Language.
Seen and heard.
Depending on how your personal narrative “speaks” to you, this can be challenging, so I often recommend that people allow themselves to approach these with compassion and grace toward themselves.
Counting your wins tends to come first. It feels as though you are creating a safe space, little by little, to allow yourself to be seen with celebration and non-judgment. Looking to harvest the good and observe and notice the progress (not perfection) in the moments you experience throughout your day.
Simple, consistent, and daily practice of this sets the stage for building a healthy relationship with yourself, and that in turn trickles out into the relationships you have around you.
And recently, I have been Learning my Language, observing the thoughts that have been coming to the surface about certain things. Thoughts around “deserving”, “worthlessness”, along with play, adventure, and celebration from my youth. It’s not always the bad stuff. It can also come through with the good stuff as well. I thanked the thoughts for coming through this time. Recognizing that the ones that weren’t serving me were also not true and there was much evidence to counter it.
I contribute to writing “new” in my story each day. To seeing me, hearing me, and celebrating me…because I can! It feels good! Then I can allow others to see and hear me, and open up space for others to be seen as well.
I see you. I see me. We are seen.

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