Good mawning

So much life and transformation has happened since this pic was taken a week ago. Spending time with my "soul sister" (LONG story) and catching up as though no time has passed 

In the span of a week I stood in the gift of my own existence.
Beyond wife and mother... beyond neighbour and acquaintance... beyond former co-worker and classmate.
I am! Fully embracing my femininity and presence on this planet. THEN stepping into the gift of being a mother. Having had the chance to represent as a "wife". Of evolving through my journey as "daughter" on a consistent basis. Remaining as a good neighbour in my community and allowing myself to be SEEN as their advocate for their well-being.
And standing as a mentor to younger women as they navigate their journey of presence and being?
Who are you? And whatever it is that you get to be, do you ponder with appreciation, the gift of you in this existence?
I do! And I would love to hear your ponderings as well 

I celebrate YOU!

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