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My imperfections and failures are as much a blessing from God as my successes and talents.  ~ Mahatma Gandhi

Friday, March 25, 2022

Because of… It’s okay to not be

 Good mawning (awakening)!

"Because of…"
I was watching a video and listening to someone speak and when "that" phrase was spoken and what followed was given a strong weight of energy and charge, I sat back and was grateful for yesterday.
Yesterday I was having an off day.
And I allowed it to be okay to do so.
I just didn’t feel the need to go “seeking” for the “fix”.
I didn’t feel the desperation to “get back on track”, to “pick myself up”, or to “blame” something or make something I was doing or did “wrong”.
I didn’t need to peg a “because of ___” in order to justify it or get “out” of it.
I just accepted that I was going to stick to my schedule, keep doing the “mom” thing, keep my appointments (walking with the boys included), even WITH not feeling fully blissed out with joy or buzzing with warm fuzzies.
Yes, there were some things that maybe would help… but I chose to spend the time with myself closer to neutral than to seek external “things”, praises, connection…
I connected with myself… sitting patiently with the Divine support… knowing I was okay in each moment… and if I wasn’t, I would know and do what I had to do.
Not everyday rides “high”. Some days are more mellow… or even not so much. Some days can be low too.
It’s okay. You are okay. It doesn’t stay that way. And in a “live-full” life, you “get” to experience the range of what is available… we “get to” choose.
Today, I “get to” choose me, see me, observe me, and BE me. And that already feels really good… to me.

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