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My imperfections and failures are as much a blessing from God as my successes and talents.  ~ Mahatma Gandhi

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Grow through to your Goal

 Really give this one a good chewing...

...I set some really big goals in my life years ago (Spiritual and physical, immortal and mortal)...and I wondered whether or not I fell off the wagon with my physical/mortal goals. I know I am not the person I was from even a year ago, feeling like I am ages away from who I used to be. And with this thought of having to go through the journey of becoming the PERSON in order to live within that goal (not to say that you will have arrived once you get there).

It gives me hope that I am developing into the person that I (the best version of me) see myself being in order to hold my goal as sustainable and fruitful instead of just a fleeting moment of "luck" in my life.

What do you actually look and feel like on the other side of achieving your big goals?

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