Good morning!! Few new changes have taken place in our household and so far the adjustment is going well. And definitely time to adhere to good practices in order to keep me at my best outside of my usual environment.
A focus on the whole package (health, wellness, spirituality, and all it's connections) and how to live the best life I can.
John 10:10
Featured Post
My imperfections and failures are as much a blessing from God as my successes and talents. ~ Mahatma Gandhi

Tuesday, November 27, 2012
t only take a regular tweak to make a big difference.
Monday, November 26, 2012
FB Good morning post - November 26, 2012
Good morning! I love the joy in my life. I am in-joy

Friday, November 23, 2012
How open are you to allowing the gift of receiving in your life?
It's not just about giving the gifts, but sharing in the gifts that have already been given. We are surrounded by a so many if we would just see...

Allowing the gift of receiving
It's not just about giving the gifts, but sharing in the gifts that have already been given. We are surrounded by a so many if we would just see...

A Rose is...
Some will see the thorns, some will grab the thorns and complain they hurt.
Wednesday, November 21, 2012
Considering density
Dense...resonating with lower energies, emotions, vibrations...not of encouragement, love, and honour....adding the word as "new" in my vocabulary.
Awe and wonder of another
Who gets to taste the experiences we have unless we share them? #oneanotherinwonder
The entitlement we "live"
Hmmmm....pondering thoughts on this quote..
Spit shine your light
Good morning! If there is ever a time of year to radiate as light in the lives of those around you it's now. Give yourself a quick polish each day so you can shine brightly in your life and others. #holiday spirit of light
Monday, November 19, 2012
Allow yourself 3 things...
Well, that is another thing to "check" off the list of things that I would like....never know how, or what time, or in what form it will come to you, but if you can allow yourself 3 things:
To dream, to ask, and to have faith in receiving. #be open to possibilities
Sunday, November 18, 2012
I choose what is possible and beneficial.
I choose what is possible and beneficial.
Saturday, November 17, 2012
FB Good morning post - November 17, 2012
Good morning! If I can trust that each step I take is weighted by the pull of gravity, I can have faith in a great and intentional force at work for the good in my life. #goodmorningGod
Friday, November 16, 2012
Down with the Twinkie!

FB Good morning post - November 16, 2012
Good morning! Yup it was an EARLY one today, but God MUST know what time our boys are going to wake up, because I always get time for my quiet time.

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Brightness you are
Shining stars in the universe
Release contractions
Take off the veils
Through off everything that
hinders and entangles,
trappings and snares
Breath of God is inspiration
You are sight in the lives around you.
Open your rays to be shared
Through you Infinite brilliance
wants for expression.
In the darkest of places
we can reach
not just because we go there
or because we can
but as a candle can
flickers its dance on the walls
and causes the shadows
to move and sway
So you can bring light
into corners
that miss the light of day.
I am poem
Thursday, November 15, 2012
Transition into a healthy lifestyle
So although I began feeling broken and busted and such I was grateful to be alive....death and back seems to bring some clarity. And although I started the journey of losing weight and recovery after a difficult pregnancy/delivery in 2005, starting after New Years in 2006 I...
...attempted to exercise before my body was fully healed
...tried to apply to a diet program that was lacking in a proper amount of calories for my body and situation (nursing, healing, overweight....1000-1200 cal for my body was HIGHLY unreasonable)
...took pain killers to get through my workouts so that others would believe I was putting in the effort...
I lost all of 20 pounds out of that WHOLE year (maybe)
What was good that I did? I slowly got rid of white sugars in our diet. And made healthy tweaks to foods we were eating.
...In 2007....
...discovered the boys were lactose-intolerant and Celiac
...adjusted our diets even further, cooking mainly from scratch
...ditched the pain killers and the workout that wasn't working out. insoles and was able to walk more again September of 2007, I googled Busy mom workout and found Holly Rigsby. Followed her info on supportive nutrition, and added almost 1000 calories to my diet. Lost 5+ pounds and inches in the month after that.
...tried working out with another workout program (P90X and realized I needed a more efficient workout with 2 boys.
...lost 10 lbs in a month of eating more and focusing more on strength training. (and doing FYM holiday workout...5 mins baby! 15 min a week of intensity :) )
...In 2008...
...started Dax Moy's Elimination Diet and dropped almost 20 pounds in a month (combined with his exercises)
...kept my workouts short and intense and my food clean, alkaline and less processed and reached my goal weight of 150 lbs by Mother's day. And from there my goal was to continue to be a good example of health in mind, body, and spirit for my family.
....since then I have gone down to 135 pounds, size 2 and now sit comfortable at a size 4-6 and 140-145 lbs.
Good news is, it's a process. I know even though some of the steps I took did not work out in the way I wanted, I still built on them as being foundational. The goal was health, and even my children "helped" along the way.
My biggest lesson out of it all: Get rid of the junk. Trade out unhealthy, food, habits, thoughts, energies, judgements.....and trade them for what is good.....supportive,...healing....freeing.....simple...uplifting....encouraging...
...Now for 2013....what does that hold for me? What does it hold for you?
Consider God in all you do
Good morning!! The things I do in consideration of God.... get out of bed, brush my teeth, make breakfast, pack lunches, drink tea, drink water, read the bible and inspirational materials, put on my clothes, kiss my family, smile, breath, dance, exercise, cross the street, leave my house, come back home, cook dinner.
Wednesday, November 14, 2012
Grow through to your Goal
Really give this one a good chewing...
...I set some really big goals in my life years ago (Spiritual and physical, immortal and mortal)...and I wondered whether or not I fell off the wagon with my physical/mortal goals. I know I am not the person I was from even a year ago, feeling like I am ages away from who I used to be. And with this thought of having to go through the journey of becoming the PERSON in order to live within that goal (not to say that you will have arrived once you get there).
It gives me hope that I am developing into the person that I (the best version of me) see myself being in order to hold my goal as sustainable and fruitful instead of just a fleeting moment of "luck" in my life.
What do you actually look and feel like on the other side of achieving your big goals?
Shine like Stars
Be the brightness that you are...shining like stars in the universe. Release what causes you to contract, take off the veils that hide your light, through off everything that hinders and entangles, and be as inspiration in the lives around you.
(Hebrews 12:1, Philippians 2:15)Tuesday, November 13, 2012
Take responsibility
"How few there are who have courage enough to own their faults, or resolution enough to mend them." ~ Benjamin Franklin
Early readers - Keep that fire fed
He's done reading "The Hobbit" and his brother is already at chapter 2...any got the Lord of The Rings series?
Look for the encouragement
Good morning!
Sunday, November 11, 2012
FB Good morning post - November 11, 2012
Good morning! The music is back and this time it is classical....almost light and like butterflies fluttering through light breezes and sun rays...a lesson learned, insight received, and now to serve others by sharing it....but if you could hear the music....

Showing up with MY whole heart to Be and receive
" Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength." Mark 12:30

What do you choose to remember?
Remembrance day.... What do you choose to remember? Who do you choose to remember? How do you show that you remember?
Saturday, November 10, 2012
Trusting God with my all
" Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength." Mark 12:30

Friday, November 9, 2012
A snowy good morning
Good morning! Fluffy snow, warm home, fuzzy pajamas, soft glowing lights...mmmm almost inspired to do some holiday baking....ALMOST!! #nostalgic sentiments
Wednesday, November 7, 2012
Clean eating ...from scratch with whole foods
From scratch....that how my grandma did it and I thank God he has blessed me nutritionally to do the same. I feel my best when I eat single ingredient, live foods. My best cooking/baking is done with whole, single ingredient foods, herbs and spices. I also know I am taking more of a risk with my health when I eat particular processed foods or over-processed ingredients that are stripped of their nutrition. Know your ingredients and choose supportive, whole foods. #righttoknow #cleaneating
Your individual voice COUNTS!
Good morning!!
If there is anything that I have gleaned from the US presidential experience is that your individual voice COUNTS! You matter and the more we step up and honour the value in which we are thoughtfully created in, the more good and beneficial change we will see in this world.
Tuesday, November 6, 2012
"Got a shirt?" Seeing past our judgments
"Got a shirt?"
"Be careful when a naked person offers you a shirt" - Maya AngelouShe spoke of this and what I took away from what she shared was to ...make sure that you are clothed before you "think" to give things away or "meet" the needs of others. "Love yourself, then others."
Lately I have heard a lot of promotion and also attack against the idea of taking care of yourself first.....the most popular analogy (that I focus on) is about the oxygen mask on the airplane (and to be honest, this last trip I totally tuned out of that dialogue for the FIRST time ever!! UGH!)
But I have known many caregivers of people that have very challenging needs and how disgruntled they can be, but continue on like cars running on fumes to provide for those that they love. And it is definitely love for the other that carries them through. Many of them longing for a little time to themselves to recharge....and THAT was my cue they could see if they had a person like them to take care of them WHILE they took care of others, how AWESOME that would be. But they DO!
So as of yesterday (I'm making it current, but I know it has been a bit longer than that...) I decide that it is now a VITAL part of this nutritious, daily journey into a COURAGEOUS future filled with ME being of wonderful contribution to the lives of those around me that I make sure that I am fully "clothed" and giving from an overflowing supply instead of a drying well. From that space it is freely given...out of an abundant space that requires no repayment or reward.
But not only does the practice of providing yourself with loving care and maintenance help you to be a more gracious giver of the care you have to offer, it also makes it easier for us to more easily see and love those around us where they are at. I have a lot of stuff I want to work on...untangle myself and free myself from . We all do!! The more we work through our "stuff" so that we can be more loving and care-ful (full of care) for ourselves, the better we can recognize what others are really going through and really need...truly accepting them for who and where they are separate from who and where I am at.
"How can you say to your brother, ‘Brother, let me take the speck out of your eye,’ when you yourself fail to see the plank in your own eye? You hypocrite, first take the plank out of your eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother’s eye." ~ Luke 6:42
Now what if the naked person giving the shirt away was seeing the other person as under-dressed?
I hear a lot of assumptions about what my life must be like....and I can say that I know some of the ideas are definitely not rooted in any fact that exist in my life. But in hearing these assumptions it reminds me...(as does the scripture above...and others)...that I really need to consider my own life, care, practices, and challenges before I decide to present help and care to others. It is easy to use the same measure that we measure ourselves with to "evaluate" the lives or even comments of others. We may assume that they have a particular slant or reason for saying something or looking a certain way, but have you considered what is behind what you assumed? Did you ask? If it wasn't for a recent apology I extended to my son during our morning study time, I would not have these words to share now.....We took a deeper look into judgement because of it...
I called him “lazy”
But what I was really saying is “ If that was me....people would think that I am lazy”
So I am really judging myself....if I use harsh judgements against others....harsh judgement I use against myself.
(For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you. ~ Matthew 7:2)
I was in awe! And my son lovingly accepted my apology (gave me a big hug seeing my pain) and I apologized to myself as well (and grateful for the deeper lesson). Not only when I spoke the words was I being harsh to him, but to myself as well....It is SO important that we use a measure of LOVE with ourselves....careful consideration of what we do and say...truly honouring who we are and putting into ourselves what we REALLY intend to give. What greater can we give when the measure we are giving from and filled up with is love.
I do not perpetuate that my life is hard (or easy),... it's my life and I accept it as that. I am truly grateful for all the challenges and opportunities to experience in my life. And I see the lives of those around me and I honour them for going through some of the "stuff" they have experienced...I will choose to learn and be humbled by their experiences, because I know I would much prefer not to add more challenge to my life as it is (and I do love and accept what is already on my plate). I am glad that others do not have to go through some of what I am going through, but it's all just stuff in the end. All "sawdust" and "planks". Truly, out of all this life and experiences, being able to be loving, receive loving, and give love to others in fullness is what makes it worthwhile....for me.
Give love while we can
Good morning! Really? What time DO we have to not be loving those in our lives with the fullest level of love that we can. Some we hope would change, some we hope would heal and grow, but in the end our consistent loving thoughts and loving actions may be all that we can give and all that is needed.
Monday, November 5, 2012
Share what flows...
I wrote poetry. Not just some, LOTS! I started in Grade 7 and from there I continued into University courses (and I really enjoyed these WRITE courses!) I did share some of these poems wiith my friends, even as spoken word, but alas, I packed them up and set them aside for many, many years...
Recently, as I continue to downsize from the "stash" I have been carrying around to sort through....mementos, notes, pictures, etc., I finally sorted out all my written work into this bulky folder and am now going through these poems and deciding what to share now. And THAT is what I have been struggling with...
At the time I wrote these I should have shared it. It would have flowed out to inspire many in the world and uplift those who could connect and relate. However, now I am living under another many turns away from some of these "expressions" I have written. I am hoping a friend with not only perspective into what I have read, but also into who I am now will help me to share and edit through these works.
So I recommend, if you have an expression or gift NOW, it is good for you to share your expression if you feel it inspires you, as it will inspire others.
I have received feedback on almost ALL my works, so I know how it was received then, which is good. So over the next bit, I will share a select few that resonate with me now (and perhaps a few that don't :) )
The heart of hospitatility
Crazy exercise....could you come up with a list of 5 people you could eat dinner with at their house this week? Can I? (hmmmm....) #heartfulhospitality
Share what you learn as you learn
If you consider yourself to be a person that loves to learn and grow, I give you this bit of advice...PLEASE share what you learn that is beneficial to you and insightful to others at the time that you learn it. Because sometimes that insight will last, and well....some times it won' least not for you.
Sunday, November 4, 2012
Choose growth
Grow and blossom with love or shrink back in fear #expansiveorimplosive #constructiveordestructive
Is reaction based in fear?
Would there be less "fear" in the world if we would want less to cause someone to react? Does our desire for a reaction inspire fear in others? Considering the root of fear-based emotions as we look at the characters and actions of love this morning. #quiettimewiththeboys
Considering grateFULLness
Observation....when we are coming from a place of scarcity (that there is not enough....lack) you find that you consume more?