Breakfast was served and eaten, boys were dressed, and bags were collected and we were out the door with time to spare. We made it to the grocery store and got what we needed. As we arrived back at the house to unload the groceries, I noticed something a little out of sorts. It lead to an awkward moment and left me disjointed and late for picking up my son from school. As I arrived, I was glad to see that one of the other moms was looking out for him and was going to keep an eye on him for me. I had 20 minutes until the interview was to start and I made my way over to the splash pad park where my other son, nephew and sister-in-law were waiting. My sister-in-law was not looking so well, so I sent her home, leaving me with 3 boys 5 minutes before my interview. Also my youngest son wet himself as I arrived and wanted to go home and change his clothes. He started whining and I started dialing.....the number to connect with Holly on the call. I had it all planned out and I can say, that how things were playing out were not as I imagined hehe. The call went pretty well considering I was watching 3 boys and my youngest was pulling his pants down the whole time.
The key to making it all work out was to stay positive, not to get discouraged, and pick my battles. The kids were having their challenges right along side mine and in the end we had a good time and accomplished both a successful and messy time at the park, but also a completed call with Holly.
Here is a link to the replay.

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