This is the morning after our road trip to Hinton, Alberta which sits on the edge of the Rocky Mountains. Not a whole lot of attractions were seen as it's not a big town and we were in a bit of a rush, but the experience was great. We drove out with the full family (2 cars, 3 kids and 4 adults) and made our way there through many bathroom breaks and breaks in communication (we were using radios to communicate between the 2 cars.) The forecast called for rain and snow and since my hubby was going to be riding the bike home, we tried our best to beat the clouds and their release of precipitation (HAHA but he still got rained on). I packed a bag of healthy snacks (so much easier to grab and go) and we made a stop for lunch as well. I learned a lot about perspective and I got to see how our lives (that of myself, my hubby and my children) really help to change how others view the things around them. I am grateful for such a gift of influence in just the way God had made us different and unique. I celebrated in the joy that my hubby got to experience on the ride back home with his new bike and got to spend some time with my sister-in-law as well.
Now the question that popped up many times...."why Hinton?" Well, my hubby saw a motorbike posted online for sale, one that he has been interested in for some time and it was at a good price. But of course, the bike was in Hinton. His current motorbike is a cruiser and requires some serious TLC and probably would not survive a road trip through the mountains that he has wanted to go on since last year. SO he needed a new bike.
Now for the other question...."Why is he buying a motorbike?" Now after what I just explained it may be obvious, but at the current moment, after buying a house and being in the midst of renovations, it seems like a bit of a stretch. Even my hubby was asking why (especially since I am pushing for new cabinets in the kitchen) and I said to him, that when he is happy and he fuels his passion, more stuff comes his way, his focus is where it needs to be, and stuff gets done. I am not a fan of doing anything grudgingly and with half-effort, and so I find encouragement very important. Nothing worse than having a longing for something and not meeting it. Nothing like knowing that if you could just hop on a bike and go for a ride to think and clear your head and get encouraged that you could feel much better. I have seen that in him last summer and I wasn't going to through this summer without seeing that encouragement in him again. There are a LOT of things on our plate right now as the renovations have taken a bit of a turn and we are gutting more than we intended, but in the end we will know that our house is in good standing and condition and will be a good home for our family to live in.
Finances get tight from time to time and this is one of those times, but we are resourceful and I have seen how my hubby has found a way to get what he wants no matter what it is. If we can stay positive and take action in the direction that we want to go, then that is the road I want to be on as long as it is right with God. We are called to have faith and if we don't act faithfully, then how will we know what it is that we can achieve? I am excited for my husband and us to see what lies ahead as we continue on in the work we are doing and how we will be blessed as we continue to have faith in the God that provides for our needs.

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