Good mawning!
Look within...
This week marks an anniversary and a new launch into unknown territory.
For those of you who know, I'm a bit of a science buff. LOL I "may" "geek out" from time to time (LOL the boys fet most of it).
And...for me, science has also been my "gateway" into my infinite exploration into the parallels between our physical experiences in this life and our personal relationship with God.
The Higgs boson discovery back in 2012 brought the "weight" of relationship into more focus (attention/observation). Taking the relationship of particles to another level. Based on the level of CONNECTION to the "God particle" determines the level of mass the particles experience.
So with all that geeking out, what is the metaphor or pondering it inspires for me?
Grace. The slowing down of our physical experiences in time and space to allow for the contemplation and exploration of our own personal relationships...with one another and with God.
Do you allow yourself the space and time to consider or conCERN yourselves with your day to day relationships? With those around you? In your life? With the Divine, and with yourself?
How do I connect in my relationships? What are the quality of these relationships? Do I allow these relationships to add value to my life's experience in some way?
Anyways, just a pondering I hope you may join me in ...
Have a great weekend

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