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My imperfections and failures are as much a blessing from God as my successes and talents.  ~ Mahatma Gandhi

Friday, April 22, 2022

What was the assignment?


"What was the assignment?"

To protect the baby turtles. Okay, that was a wild dream with MUCH detail and colour (for those that know, yes, I see it too). And it ended up that I ultimately failed to meet the objective. Everything was gone. At least I saved my wallet when I noticed what was going on… But it’s not about the details of the dream as much as it’s about what I gleaned from it. What am I committed to? And in the end, am I focused on meeting the objective, no matter the distraction, obstacle, or glaring circumstance? It was me, already in the process of learning my language. Finding out what it is that has me triggered from this dream the most…Falling short and getting “off course” in my focus that results in not seeing the signs more clearly of what it is that I need to be doing. It let me know that I have languaging and narrative around things not being met or accomplished because I “failed” in some way. I “failed” to keep my word, failed to follow through, “failed” to keep caring even in the face of those not reciprocating, “failed” to make the most of my education… failed, failed, failed. Currently we are going through a process. And in this process, things have already felt as though they have “fallen short”. But with MY faith, and MY focus, that objective CAN be met. The ultimate assignment CAN be achieved with MY full on and “all in” commitment. So I stopped feeding the feeling of failure which was still “verving” from the dream and I started the reframing process. I asked the narrative, “Is this true in everything?” “Have I always failed?” “Have I always failed with the big things?” “Have I always failed to meet an expectation?” “Have I always failed to make the most of an opportunity?” “Have I always failed in staying focus and committed to the “assignment” at hand?” The answer was “no”. And today, is an anniversary of the “proof” succeeding and forging through. Not with force or hustle, but with faith, commitment, wholehearted focus and being all in…when everything looked like a BIG OL’ NO in our faces, we continued. Continued to look for possibilities to HELP our commitment and intention to happen. Continued to see ourselves IN the final result. Continued to hang on and hold in there WHEN others started showing up and adding in the pressure. Continued to pour our heart and faith in even down to the last minute (last 15 minutes actually). I am sitting IN and living in the fruit of our faithfulness. That journey inspired others to have stronger faith. It made people cry and celebrate, because MAN, did it EVER look impossible. SO today, I am inspired to commit with wholehearted faith. It will keep me clear and focused on the objective. I will not and cannot “fail”, because the assignment is an eternal one… apply myself with a little more faith and see what good can happen <3 #thankyouGod #humbled #faithful #reminder #committotheday #Stayfocused #yougotthis #biggerpicture #actwithfaith #setyourcommitment #followthrough #buildup #encourage #Lovefirst #crazydreams #DreamBig #divinegifts #savetheturtles

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