Good mawning!
It's been a busy morning filled with love, celebration, connection, and care.
From quiet time receiving divine guidance to inspired and fruitful brushing out the afro of one of my enjoying the clean glow of a scrubbed kitchen in the sunlight and sitting back and reflecting on the constant evolution of a connection I have in my life.
But one word I forgot to mention, but carries great significance is... gratitude.
Gratitude IS an act of love.
As I reflect on what I am grateful for, the first thing that comes to mind is the beautiful relationships I've had and continue to enjoy today.
This deodorant isn't just signalling aspects of my morning, I am grateful for what it is sharing for me today.
To not harm someone who I valued in my life, I went through my home over 20 years ago and gathered everything scented. I put it all in a Rubbermaid bin, put that in the garage and told her she is WELCOME in my space whenever she likes.
That act served me in remembering and recognizing my own needs... and now, I enjoy finding natural ways to enjoy the aromas of nature.
Inspired action. Serves beyond ourselves. Serves longer than instant or reactive gratification.
So now to finish my tea and head out.'s a really good tea. 

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