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My imperfections and failures are as much a blessing from God as my successes and talents.  ~ Mahatma Gandhi

Friday, February 25, 2022

3 ways you can “coach” yourself.

 3 ways you can “coach” yourself.

1. Immersion

2. Integration/application

3. Share with others

I expressed in a conversation recently, that the reason I am “here” today where I am and as I am is through having had a coach to support me. 

Yes, it is great to have friends and partners that you can share life with and grow with. They CAN help to support you and move you forward if that is the type of person they are in your life. However, that’s not always the case. Their journey may take them across the country or into different social circles, and that is OKAY. 

So, depending on the type of goal I have had (nutrition, fitness, mindset, finances, business…) I have had coaching to stretch my mindset and to move me further in my own growth and awareness.

AND, if you feel you are good in the area of general life support and you can make things happen in your life, you can be your own accountability with the 3 things I listed above.

You can immerse yourself in the knowledge, conversations, lifestyle, and experiences of the goal and life habit you want to reach and be proficient in. It takes making a schedule that includes these lifestyle “connections” into your daily routine. You would look at the places that goal will take you and then being in that space. For myself, being in the conversations of mindset for example meant showing up on live videos on social media, Q and A calls, Zoom chats with like-minded people on a similar path toward the same goal, and listening to videos and podcasts. It also meant the possibility of showing up to live events and being immersed in the experience that way. 

From being in those spaces and conversations, you can take the tips and practices and then start into point #2, which is integration and application. Start playing with it and applying these tips and habits into your OWN days. Schedule it in and track it. See how it is working for you over a set amount of time, not just a one and done thing. Give it a few weeks and see how it’s working for you and then you can make tweaks and small adjustments for yourself in one direction or the other. My favourite example of taking information and making it my own was free videos I received from subscribing to an email list for a mom’s fitness group. I only did the exercises I saw in the video and that was it! No added sets. It was when my kids were young and any time I moved they thought I was dancing and want to jump in. So I just did a few minutes with intensity, ALL IN! And I committed to doing it that way for weeks before I added another set. I had seen results just from the few minutes done a 3 or 4 times a week and wanted more. I kept it real simple and then layered in just a bit more and saw even more improvements. After that, I bought their program and received their coaching support. 

And last tip that I found really helped to keep myself accountable was being ready and willing to share it with others. When the results were showing themselves, many people asked questions. And because I had been mindful and consistent with what I was doing and how it was working, I could readily share those steps and practices with others so that they could apply it in their lives as well. If I was going to be talking about it, I wanted to be active in living it. And being actively mindful of how I was living it, brought people to me to ask questions. I was at the grocery store picking up a product and a lady who had been watching me, stopped me to ask questions about how I use it. She was interested in the product, but also wanted to hear how I was using it. After I shared, she noted that it was evident that I used it. “You are a walking billboard” a friend once said to me, and I guess she was right. The more I teach from what I know, the more I grow in what I know as well.

But having shared and taught from what I have learned, trained in, and practiced for myself, I know that I am “able” to coach myself and keep myself accountable with the simple steps I want to take. I also believe others are capable of it as well.

ANDDDDDD, I also know there are times in our lives, where we NEED that extra support, accountability, and encouragement. And I have found that the coaches in my life have really helped me through some rough spots and gotten me through to the other side with the success I was looking for. 

SO, much success to you in your own journey. Whether you choose to be your own accountability or supported by a coach. Both are valuable and helpful in this life’s journey of living our lives more fully and filling 💖

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