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My imperfections and failures are as much a blessing from God as my successes and talents.  ~ Mahatma Gandhi

Monday, February 14, 2022

In silence. Pain. Patience. Love.

Good mawning!

...In silence.

I woke up this morning.

As I laid there, many thoughts came to me…of many things I live and have the gift to share from in this lifetime, if I can.

The first pondering was centered around pain….

And the loving AND unloving responses that follow. Much in action is chosen out of the avoidance of “future” pain.

It’s “survival”.

But what lies at the core of the decision for some is from a space and level of love that elicit very UNIQUE choices.

How do we mitigate “suffering” with continued pain? Coping mechanisms? Seeing “suffering” in a different light?

It put my mind into remembering a “piece” that was done on the practice of organ harvesting. And how a family, that was kept together, were being harvested from. They said their faith made them prime candidates for it. You could see that at their core they valued being together, in faith and love, as being of the highest value in order to deal with the continued pain.

How can I compare the pain I may experience to that? Or even to those that moved and hid their children so they could be spared from the life that their parents were living. How about those that chose to have their children deny them so that they could “pass” in a space of avoid the same pain and suffering… to avoid “allowable”, supported, and “legal” acts such as lynching to be done.

Or the experience of “trauma”? And the neurological effects that follow and cause many mental health challenges, physiological experiences, and behaviours that are not accepted as normal and seen as broken or flawed.

The circumstances that sit as uncomfortable, painful, traumatic…and the windfall of experiences and choices that follow…THAT is a space that many avoid facing yet much support is needed. Much LOVE is needed. Empathy. And yes, even compassion, suffering WITH.

We want more compassion in this world, but it’s not an easy space to sit in if you reflect on the origin of the word. But in the space of choosing to start with yourself, and observe the “uncomfortables”, the “uneasy”, even the “repulsive” parts of your experience…do you get to start feeling into these loving (and unloving) choices that are being made. From yourself and by others.

Other thoughts came in as well… neurodiversity, intersectionality, autoimmunity, allowing once segregated people to choose to do unifying things, forgiveness, standing IN love, loving beyond “condition”…

There is a beautiful “deepening” going on…if you will allow yourself to see it.

Happy “Love” day to you all 💖

#thankyouGod #LoveFirst #painandsuffering #copingmechanisms #Empathy #compassion #Neurodiversity #Mentalhealth #mentalwellness #mindsetmatters #oneanotherlove #vulnerability #survival #survivors #Sawubona #BiggerPicture #patience #silence

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