Good mawning!
This was me this weekend. Appreciating... "attempt" at doing something different with make up.
...through surviving death in many forms and still standing...
...the future I intend to step into WHILE recognizing I am still growing and shifting through stuff.
And appreciating feeling good IN MY OWN skin...feeling the full circle return into THIS life I am full as I can from where I am at in this moment.
The "next" is and has come. Are you stepping into YOUR next? Or have you put it off with a half-intent to "get" to it...once things change a bit?
Well, almost 16 years later, I will tell you...the step forward was so small that it didn't take the HERCULEAN effort that you are putting to it now...or that I felt it needed to be.
As my boys would say... "BRUH!" 

Reach out and let's chat to find out what small step you could take to move you forward today. (Hint- reaching out counts 

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