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My imperfections and failures are as much a blessing from God as my successes and talents.  ~ Mahatma Gandhi

Saturday, November 13, 2021

Yesterday I accepted where I was at.

 Good mawning!

Yesterday I accepted where I was at.
After a week of trying to adjust my sleep to reflecting the "time change" (which is something I never do), I finally just accepted I had done what I could and my main goal was to get in my days worth of rest.
It worked. I got the rest I needed, I met up with my friend to do a photoshoot for their business (the jacket is for sale 😉), @marigold_oldbutgold , and then had a great sleep last night.
We all have a unique-to-us rhythm, and that includes sleep. AND, we are also just takes time. I found a balance that works for me (at this time).
The key is...
Keeping it Super simple
Being consistent
And...not forgetting to enjoy/appreciate the process.
Just by working on the one thing, I was productive in other areas. And I am not done...there is still more time I am allowing myself to be in this "shift".
It's actually the most "fun" change I have applied this year.
Message me or comment if you are interested.
Now to go enjoy the rest of my weekend ❤❤

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