Good mawning!
"Leaving the world better than I found it".
That's what I read this morning and it reminded me that my dad would say and show me the same.
Every space he would pass through...he'd pick up some trash and put it in a bin. He would move things so they wouldn't be in someone else's way. He would wipe down the counter and faucet after he used it when we were out in public (as a kid when he took me to the washroom). I still do the last one today.
Thinking of the little ways to make someone's experience better.
That's the journey I am sharing with my young men now. That's also the experience I have shared with those I've worked with.
This weekend as we did weekly review, we reflected on the value and influence of our lives. Wee saw how drastically different our lives would be without one another...without the contribution of our family...without their beautiful influence.
The next day, this guy stood taller. Probably because he also blew out his afro LOL
He's also helping me to put my next course together. Improving your performance and sleep.

Knowing our value. Appreciating our contributions in this world, and making sure those contributions are good and help make things better. That's why I love coaching, mentoring, and teaching.
Helping others to get their best out of life. And hopefully that helps them to do the same for another in some way. I'm on a mission for #oneanotherlove.
Happy Monday folks. 

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