Good morning! I now am in a place where I can empathize with the haterz and complainers against weather (yes, I feel it is a faction in our society). The refusing to shift your wardrobe activity to activity....the mind mess of feeling trapped to "choose" to put on a coat...the clenching of teeth before you open the door...the "sight" of darkness when you wake up in the morning...UGH right?? Yeah...I got a glimmer of that over the last few my body took longer to adjust...even up to the point a few minutes ago as I look like a coward under my blankets...and then I had the "a-ha" moment ...I now know what it feels like....and then I shifted back to my own personal viewpoint and joy.
You see, I am/was experiencing being that space where I would choose to side with mass loathing instead of embrace with gratitude. Wow! That mass loathing...with its dread and fear...its guarded and justified perspective...its habitual and continual attacks against self and generalizations of others and actions (see that? ...right there? That's a generalization

aka judgment ...aka stereotype...aka not sawubona...aka...etc. ) ... yup! I experienced was fun in public places in conversations with strangers...but wait...actually, I didn't get to have those conversations because I was surrounded by people who revelled in what's next embracing the "challenge" and seeing how they can meet it. Sure there were tidbits of loathing tossed in...but not to be built up where did it come from? I have a few ideas but that is not the journey that will bring me back to joy. I don't need to fix it! THAT is the point. I choose to embrace with love and joy.... that's it
EVERY day we get to choose thousands of times and there are keys that help to unlock your way..."would I really want to say that out loud to someone else? So why do I say that to me?" "How would I like to be spoken to?" "Can I LET myself love this person? the mirror? " "Is this serving me for the good?" " What would that look like?" "Is it okay to like the cold and snow and darkness and stars and moonlight while others around you scoff at you with a side glance while leaning away from you? (Yes, this actually happens)" "Is it okay to be happy in your own thoughts with the thoughts of things that bring you joy?" Yes...yes it is.
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