Back from our roadtrip with new direction. It was more cathartic and brought necessary stuff to the surface.
This mornings' devo with my son was on priorities.
We can determine our priorities in life based on where the level of influence and flow is.
For example, our BIG rocks were relationship (the key is in the interaction) with God first... then our own personal self-awareness...and then in our core relationships.
These heavily influence the next level of stones we choose to participate in and focus on. Food, clothing, shelter, resources, social network, career and contribution and environment will reflect our "relationship" with the bigger stones in our life. AND how we choose for these things are also influenced by the bigger stones as well to better build on our "foundation" of safety and support.
And then last is the sand... which is temporary in nature. Would require a LOT of it to sway influence on the mid ranged stones. This includes the feelings and emotions that feel uncomfortable at times...disagreements, arguments....the transitory growth "stuff"
... as well as the small and fleeting moments of happiness and elation. These are heavily influenced by our biggest stones.

So...this weekend...I addressed focusing on the biggest stones. LOL haha we were surrounded by and traversed among the mountains, but the "mountains" in my life needed some realignment... It's still in it is with most things...but it is good to step back and give proportionate attention to where you are in relation to your "rocks" in life.
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