Good mawning!
I let "my" anger express itself yesterday.
The flurry through which we create...
Those "stories that we tell", those conclusions we rush to make, those generalizations that we paint others with so broadly, those "villains" we create in our stories...
If we sit in that space and ponder it... if we give it that "cud-worthy" chewing experience (a.k.a. overthinking), we have already written a book and we start "applying" it like an instruction manual.
I will admit, I can see where the "anger" journey began. Being compared against. The bearer of disappointment. Not meeting up with someone's expectations. And I didn't express my frustration... I just let go.
...or so I thought.
Sometimes we think something is so small that it should be blown off. But it did matter to us. It's those "small" things... And expressing that it mattered is important for us to do. That we find value in our perspective and journey. That we feel a certain way. Even if it's not from our "highest expression". That we can be heard. And seen. And celebrated.
And as much as you don't want to take things "so" personally, it can be a struggle in relationships. All types of relationships. And simply really IS more about how we are perceiving and responding in the moment. It's more individual than personal. LOL if that makes sense.
At an individual level in our journey, we are always being "called" to fuller and more authentic expression. Even our emotions want to flow and happen. They are like signposts...
And for me...I needed to share and FLOW through this emotion yesterday. With the support of a coach, I was able to walk through the fullness of it. Past and current triggers, choices and possibilities, frustration, love, grief, sorrow, acceptance. In less than 30 min, I had moved from anger into neutrality, and had a plan for however things would workout, PLUS the constant truth that... most of the time, my unnerving story creation gets proven "wrong", especially if I have placed a conclusion in there. LOL, and this is where I LOVE being wrong <3 ;)
You gotta allow for the bigger and more serving possibility WHILE still going through your stuff. Even just a mustard seed of faith can change a life. IT CAN <3
Before the end of the day, the story diminished, the emotion served its purpose, and a new, more serving story was already in progress.
What ways do you allow yourself to ben seen, heard, and expressed?
It's part of the journey. We are all walking it together...individually

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