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My imperfections and failures are as much a blessing from God as my successes and talents.  ~ Mahatma Gandhi

Thursday, July 22, 2021

Morning selfie

 LOL Me trying to take a selfie during my morning routine

What's your morning routine look like?

Saturday, July 17, 2021

Bringing light into my day.


Good mawning!

I'm all about bringing light into my day.
As I wake up and thank God I am alive (long story for another post 😉 ), I get up and go to the mirror.
And I stand there. I probably have the goofiest smile on my face as I look at myself. I look at my own smile actually. It's one of the few moments in the day I will see it.
Energized water is next. Big jar, lemon...
I then go and turn on my salt lamp or amber lamp and journal. Working through my thoughts first thing and reframing my language if needed.
I get up, open curtains and then exercise/move and stretch.
As I look at it, all throughout my day, I'm looking for ways to bring "Light" into what I do or am doing.
Energy and light. It's a part of what I do now. If it doesn't feel light, then there's a way to add "lightness" to it.
It wasn't always this way. I would keep digging my heels in to "why" something happened or wasn't going well. It would bug me and pick at me all day and I would let it. I would give it my energy until I felt absolutely drained and sapped...with feelings of defeat and hopelessness.
It wasn't until one of our boys showed up that way that I decided to make it "my work" to NOT feed into that energy-zapping behaviour.
There just HAD to be another way to approach it and gain my energy and focus back.
And so now, after years of consistency (because those thoughts and moments still creep in), it's habit to see it, and do the process to reframe it into the light. And not just for me, but also for the boys. And not just for them, but also for those I have worked with.
Let's try and shine the light in whatever way we can...

Sunday, July 11, 2021

We just needed to reconnect...

 We just needed to reconnect...

So the other evening, we went out, before the sun set, for an evening walk.
The stress of the heat shifted our routine and activity. We dove into ponderings of scripture and relationship...we got more creative...but all not quite the same without our routine check in with our "natural backyard".
Balance. Indoor activity along with stress, hard edges, and agitation (yes, video games were played 😅) calls for the contrast of grounding, unmanicured spaces, and horizon lines at a distance.
What are ways that you connect in with nature and restore your balance?

Friday, July 9, 2021

I was angry yesterday. How to work through our emotions and stories

 Good mawning!

I let "my" anger express itself yesterday.

The flurry through which we create...

Those "stories that we tell", those conclusions we rush to make, those generalizations that we paint others with so broadly, those "villains" we create in our stories...

If we sit in that space and ponder it... if we give it that "cud-worthy" chewing experience (a.k.a. overthinking), we have already written a book and we start "applying" it like an instruction manual.


I will admit, I can see where the "anger" journey began. Being compared against. The bearer of disappointment. Not meeting up with someone's expectations. And I didn't express my frustration... I just let go.

...or so I thought.

Sometimes we think something is so small that it should be blown off. But it did matter to us. It's those "small" things... And expressing that it mattered is important for us to do. That we find value in our perspective and journey. That we feel a certain way. Even if it's not from our "highest expression". That we can be heard. And seen. And celebrated.

And as much as you don't want to take things "so" personally, it can be a struggle in relationships. All types of relationships. And simply really IS more about how we are perceiving and responding in the moment. It's more individual than personal. LOL if that makes sense.

At an individual level in our journey, we are always being "called" to fuller and more authentic expression. Even our emotions want to flow and happen. They are like signposts...

And for me...I needed to share and FLOW through this emotion yesterday. With the support of a coach, I was able to walk through the fullness of it. Past and current triggers, choices and possibilities, frustration, love, grief, sorrow, acceptance. In less than 30 min, I had moved from anger into neutrality, and had a plan for however things would workout, PLUS the constant truth that... most of the time, my unnerving story creation gets proven "wrong", especially if I have placed a conclusion in there. LOL, and this is where I LOVE being wrong <3 ;)

You gotta allow for the bigger and more serving possibility WHILE still going through your stuff. Even just a mustard seed of faith can change a life. IT CAN <3

Before the end of the day, the story diminished, the emotion served its purpose, and a new, more serving story was already in progress.
What ways do you allow yourself to ben seen, heard, and expressed?
It's part of the journey. We are all walking it together...individually 😉

Monday, July 5, 2021

Thoughts around "enoughness"...

 Good mawning...

Thoughts around "enoughness"...
In my journalling this morning, I went over a few interactions that "stood out" over the last couple weeks.
No matter the turn or effort or the action or "compliance".... for a history of interaction...regardless of how recent or apparently how far-reaching into the past... "it" would never be "enough".
Now this is in contrast to some other relationships I have been engaging in, where, even though there has been mishaps, toes stepped on, things said, and even disagreements and misalignments....there was also an acceptance of the other in which was being interacted with, there were personal readjustments on both parts, there was a readdressing of the issue, and there was a bigger picture and vision encompassing the relationship.
I like embracing people in their wholeness. Because I like being accepted as fully human, with all the highs and lows and everything in between.
I know that people will go through stuff. I KNOW that we are NOT all the same. I see the diversity throughout humanity. And I accept the multiple facets through which we all shine....from the same diamond.
This is why I am committed to seeing a bigger picture. Because there is ... I believe...meant to be the diversity that is designed that brings us all into the fullness of the image of humanity.
And I also believe, that there is a conditioning or "programming?" in some societies and cultures (not all) that "wants" for same expression and etc. to be done and complied to.
I think it is important to celebrate and honour the good parts of what others bring to the table.
The relationships I was reflecting on....are ones in which parts of me are cherry-picked for interaction.
I love that. ❤ Why? Because it reminds see myself and accept myself in wholeness. To get in with and learn my language. To hear what comes up and see why and if it serves me.
Some of what I have to share doesn't serve to the benefit of those I encounter. It may NEVER serve or be heard.
I love my....interest in science, my spiritual journey and walk with God, my health and health practices, learning different things, seeing what other people are passionate about (and looking for similarities), the wonders of humanity, metaphors in life, travel, adventure, nature...and I am sure there are other things that others love to chat with me about...
If in my expression and enthusiasm for the above if not acceptable to you and you don't want to hear about it from me, then the parts you are willing to accept is the viewpoint of who I am that you will be operating from...but it's not my fullness.
What would happen in your relationships if you allowed for others to more fully and safely express more of what lights them up in this life?
We read fictional books front to end. We binge watch series on Netflix....and yet, we won't allow for the fullness of the story of others to expand the gift of perspective exchange from one another. #oneanotherlove is available in this space.
I recently shared how I am LOVING celebrating a friends journey and how it's better than Netflix. In their struggles and their wins.
Anyways... ❤ That's where my heart is at this morning.