Good mawning!
Quantum leaping...
I had an alarm go off this morning at a time I didn't set. I went to see what it was, and swiped wrong, clearing it from the screen.
I was in the middle of morning quiet time with my oldest (he started that journey with me YEARS ago least 3 times a week) and gave him a look...."It wasn't me" he said.
I went in and checked my alarms, and it was set by the youngest... for him to be woken up.

REALLY!?! He likes to milk every SECOND of sleep in the morning! He is usually the last out of bed 

I went in and woke him up...and noticed my level of acceptance. I was not experiencing disbelief..., but wonder. 

Every week it has been something new and CHANGED!
All from the power of owning your own decisions.
And in this moment, I am humbled...
Am I "OWNING" my own decisions? Am I showing up in action in the way that I had decided? Last week? Months ago? Last year?
What actions did I say I was committing to that are still waiting for follow through?
With the evidence he has presented, it IS possible to step into our decisions for our good future and allow ourselves to attune to the choice and move forward without resistance.
It's the resistance...the second-guessing... the misplaced doubt...the distractions we allow in.... those are what "slow our roll"...put a kink in the hose...stops the flow...brings struggle...looks like a "no" from God even.
Sometimes it can serve us...especially if we aren't feeling ready. Most times, it doesn't. And that's okay (refer back to point 1). As long as we are aware of the fact, that change doesn't have to be SO hard if we can just step out of the way of moving forward and step into the work that is required.
I'm going to take this lesson from his exponential repentant "leaping" and take a good look at what I can do today without being resistant to it.
Loving the refinement from these lessons, that's for sure

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