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My imperfections and failures are as much a blessing from God as my successes and talents.  ~ Mahatma Gandhi

Saturday, June 15, 2019

Step out of your own story and then proceed with Love First

 Good morning!

Recently, I met with someone, someone from my neighbourhood, and we had a chat about a hard topic. LOL, that "hard topic" chat last less than 5 minutes. Why was a discussion about something that could have been drawn out and touch on many painful chords over in under 5 min? Did we even discuss the matter?
Why yes we did! And I went STRAIGHT to the core of the matter too! And I think that was the shortcut to the situation....So how was it possible? My first reaction in the situation was "What they HEY was that?" My second thought...."That does not line up with who this person wants to be....What is the story behind this?" From there, I was determined.....that, if this is my loving response, knowing who this person is, I don't want to know what someone, who doesn't know this person, might respond/react with. SO I decided to let them know.
I chose to go to an awkward space, in order to relief a more severe awkwardness for the other person.
I stepped outside of myself and my own story, got a bit of feedback and then proceeded with....Love first.
The first thing out of their mouth was the level to which I brought it to their attention in the first place...they didn't know what they didn't know....LOL, and they knew exactly and unravelled/fast tracked the "unknowing" into being a part of their understanding/approach/being....AMAZING!!
No HARD stance on being "justified" in their story or holding on to an idea that no longer served just went "poof" before my eyes.
The rest of the conversation was invested in truly connecting with one another.
People, do we really consider the needs and experience of those around us FIRST ahead of our need to be RIGHT and JUSTIFIED? Friends, do we let go of old or unserving stories to be of better benefit and greater and positive impact for those around us?
Nothing really needs to be dragged out if we are truly coming from a loving and beneficial driver in the choices and interactions we take and make, and are willing to grow into a better version of ourselves each and every day.

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