Good morning! As I dropped off the hubby at work this morning, and was leaving the parking lot, I got the head nod and wave from one of his co-workers. I haven't met him officially before, but he knows I am the "wife"

Yesterday was spent outdoors for the most part, celebrating Father's Day with a church picnic, and then supporting the running community that "we" are a part, for those that know, it's my hubby who does most of the running

, but we show up, support and sometimes, do a bit of the running ourselves (sometimes in a different direction LOL 

Years ago, we were actively involved in a motorcycle association...similar deal...we were a part of it, primarily through the experience of one that ties us all in it together.
Well then, what are my interests? What does the family get associated with because of my involvement or interest? That's a great question! Healthy eating is one. Being involved at the community and culture level is another. Encouraging those around us. Sharing the love and joy of God in our lives with those around us. But mine are more everyday practices, not as "identifiable" as the activities of the rest of the family.
We are unified through our advocacy. "We", as a family unit, choose to support and advocate for one another, even if it just means being present. From there, people will choose to connect with us because we represent a part of that connection for them....that 6 degrees of separation is actually 6 degrees of connection...
Which leads me to the point...we, as humans, may tend to focus on the negative, but one thing I have experienced that goes beyond that we ALL are always looking for ways that we CONNECT!
It impresses me every time. We went to watch the racers come in yesterday for the RVR Ultra Race and the community and connection there was awesome. Always is. No pressure to get up and run anything. No questions about whether or not we are runners. Everyone bringing their own level of presence to the table, and all accepted with warmth.
By association I became an advocate. And through that, I gained connection. To people I would not normally meet. Having conversations I would not normally have, and it has definitely enriched my life.
What associations and connections have you gained from supporting others?
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