Good morning!
That was a close call!!! Going for a glass of lemon water and opening the new bottle of lemon juice I had...And the lid was not coming off. I'm thinking..."Maybe it's because it's cold"...."I'm not lifting as I am turning..." ....the little tabs need to be broken first"...."It got on there, so it must come off somehow..."
Well, as I spun this little lid around and around, lifting and turning, and even resorting to try and snap the tabs off the bottom, I realized, those tabs are NOT snapping off....and then WHOOSH!! The bottle slipped out of my hand and headed straight for the floor! GASP!!!

And,....didn't break! Thanks goodness!! So I got out tweezers to snap the taps off (LOL I don't give up is all I could think about...
) I got the tabs off and yeah.....the lid still wasn't coming off .....

. I was about to go down the dark know the one?? Where you try to bandaid and rig up a way to make something work that is clearly not trying to work at all? Where we start something and have a decided way it has to happen AND finish and we "muscle" through to make that bugger work!!! Or when we know, that something is just not working, but instead of going to the revision and possibly re-do stage....or even start over
(we don't want to "waste" all that effort we put in...) , we rig up whatever we can to make that bugger work.

Honestly, it almost reached the point of effort where I could have squeezed ALL the lemons that would have filled this bottle by hand.....but ...I didn't. I said to myself..."The last bottle did NOT give me this much grief!!" Now, of course that was at the point that I was using my teeth to pull the lid off 

...BWAHAHAHA...It looked like I chewed that bugger off!!! I gave it a victorious DASH across the kitchen, grabbed the old bottle, a funnel, and proceeded to transfer the a bottle and lid that I know works....that helps me have a SMOOTH morning routine, that allows me to flow into my morning connection ports....that I can trust to work for me time and time again, day in and day out....I don't need new and fresh if it is going to be a struggle in each day to do what I want to be simple and effortless.

Can you think of anything that gives you daily stress where you can consider finding ways to make it more effortless and flowful? Have you established the habit of having to "muscle" through the hard stuff instead of finding the way to make it an experience of more ease?
I don't mind grunting through a strength workout with heavy weights, but most other areas of my life, I am definitely looking for the flow. Even right now, my strength workouts I have taken outside doing heavy lifting around my yard....there is always a way to bring less struggle and resistance and more flow into our lives.
And for me, today, this was one of them

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