Over the last few weeks I have received the "gift" of discussion and consideration of the experience, the structure, and the mindset that hold in place the concept of "racism".
I just don't know (don't take how I structure this sentence as me "not" having an idea of what I am trying to bring across the table....just suspend commentary if you are reading this first....thanks
).....if people are truly willing to let GO of what that structure affords them. It is held in many as an unconscious story and languaging that plays out without them being aware of it.

For example, I am in a situation where something was said, that would be OBVIOUS to those who know what it looks like as a judgmental statement, that would offend MANY people, and I know if I DON'T inform them and they use the languaging with others, it could get messy. I have quite a few friends that don't choose to #makeitawkward, but the situation calls for it. Have you ever been in a situation where you know the awareness for the other person may get messy, but you hope that, for them, being more aware would give them more love and freedom to experience down the road?
Now with that, the other conversations that brought forth awareness were AMAZING and how they embraced the concept that there is always more than meets the eye (go back a few centuries around the world) was just fulfilling and resonated so strongly with that person that when they looked up and saw the people in the room, their whole perspective of those around them changed.
THAT one person will share with another, and yet another, ....how to see more of the beauty in OUR humanity.

And for now, "Awkward" still GETS to happen as well... to bring forward that shift in perspective in others as well. SO, let's "dare greatly" for greater love and freedom for us all.
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