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My imperfections and failures are as much a blessing from God as my successes and talents.  ~ Mahatma Gandhi

Friday, November 3, 2017

Was it Easy, lucrative, and fun? Checking for the ELFs

 Good morning! I would like to share about something everyone is quite familiar with this week...Chocolate

😃 I decided I was going to try and make a chocolate bar from almonds, dates, bananas, and chocolate this week. Can I say it was a fail? No, but what I did learn is I will probably NOT make it again. Why? Because it took too long for me to make. WAY too much time commitment and thought into just something that's supposed to be a "sweet treat". It was simply not ELF.
What is ELF? Easy, lucrative (fulfilling), and fun. And this summer, the dark chocolate fat bombs worked just fine and were very satisfying. Sometimes you have to try something to know if it works for you or not...sometimes you need to ask yourself if it is better if someone else can do it more lovingly and willingly than you...and then use that extra time and energy to show up with what you are good at and enjoy...and maybe even willing to share with others. We are not all meant to make chocolate bars ya know 😉

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