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My imperfections and failures are as much a blessing from God as my successes and talents.  ~ Mahatma Gandhi

Friday, May 6, 2016

Allowing grief it's full expression.

 Good morning! This week got blown wide open for me. I realized that I have been through a lot of loss in my life, and most of which I have not grieved. It's funny sitting in this space (yesterday I bawled my eyes out while driving at the loss of having a closer relationship with someone dear to me...I highly recommend against that...I could barely see...) when I watched my mom hold in her grief for years after her mom died....she said she wasn't ready. ...I guess I wasn't ready for all these years. But it is weighing on me like baggage now, so I am dropping bags and letting go. It's not that I am ready, but I AM willing. Is every pessimist an optimist who has not grieved? Who knows. ..but I want the burden on my heart to be lighter, so I am going to allow grief it's full expression. I feel I have the "space" right now to do it.

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