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My imperfections and failures are as much a blessing from God as my successes and talents.  ~ Mahatma Gandhi

Thursday, October 2, 2014

RAWNESS of AWEness - Facebook post October 2, 2014

Good morning! This morning has been filled with some serious and life-changing contemplation (LOL that statement is so NOT for the do-ers in my life...but I am glad they understand  )...
After having an open-hearted, be-real-to-the-bone, and honestly, one of the best pillow talks to date...I have come to realize that there is a RAWNESS of AWEness that I desire to live. If the opportunity seems lukewarm to me, a resounding "MEH!" will come to mind and commitment level will not be there. I love seeing people's lives change for the better...I love back-to-basics...I love witnessing the fruitful abundance and prosperity (overflowing with fullness) moments that life has to offer in the SIMPLEST of moments...and I love being grace with the observance of infinity in wonder through creation upon creation through creation (an ever-revealing unfolding of beautiful intention into the concentration of form and experience...)...AND I love engaging with those that are willing to open up to wondrous possibility with a smile and beautiful hint of curiosity. I LOVE IT!!!
And with that being said, over the last few months, even though I enjoyed a great amount of engaging with people who play and risk to enjoy life and the wonder within, there has also been some moments of dismissal, and unwillingness, and restriction in people that I hold dear that surprised me (or that I opened up to see...)...And to that I say "I love you." There will be no more for words needed...I will wait...but not without jumping in with both feet, ready to play and enjoy life in the meantime...
Let's enjoy and play in this beautiful new day together! I'm still breathing, so I'm not planning on wasting it!  Much Love 
‪#‎thankyouGod‬ ‪#‎honourcreation‬ ‪#‎theprocessisreal‬ ‪#‎Lovefirst‬‪#‎gratitudeoverflows‬ ‪#‎moreandmoregoodness‬ ‪#‎greatexample‬‪#‎thankyouJesus‬ ‪#‎amasterfullife‬

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