Good morning! There is nothing quite as painful as not sharing what fills me to overflowing each day. The well from which it springs was dug deep, deep down to the very bottom of my existence and to come up to the very tops and overspill into my life (and yours) is a wonder only I get to witness. And what more...I can see the wells of overflow as they spill in the lives of's amazingly beautiful to know to witness it. And to know the pain that they have transcended to allow its flow.
So I ask today....what pains have you stifled that are holding you back from the amazing flow of this well? What have you labelled and held to with firm conviction and hindrance that keeps you from en-joying this life you are living (a truthful conviction will open you up and benefit the lives of those around you...if it is not helping or benefiting, it needs transformation...and with that said, maybe your well is getting dug real deep, so get ready for massive overflow...or decide to remain at the bottom of the well...)
The funny thing about digging the well to its depths and then hitting the spring and riding up the waters to the very top beyond your control and to the fulfillment of joy and bliss is.....
...yeah it's better if you experience it for yourself.
EnJoy a great and overflowing day 
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