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My imperfections and failures are as much a blessing from God as my successes and talents.  ~ Mahatma Gandhi

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Lesson's always time for life's school

It IS a good morning! I am SO grateful it is TODAY!! Not just because yesterday felt like a bit of a gong show (with a big diamond in the middle...that gem of awesome HAD to be hidden in a wealth of crap and ridiculous...LOL ) And...really? Really?? Yesterday will sit as the proverbial truth behind the concept of .."If the same thing happens to you over and over again, you are not learning the lesson that is intended for you..." Time to observe and reflect...connect back to the source of all understanding (and beyond), and sit on it a bit! HA!! 

But seriously, the lessons I did glean from yesterday were...1. perseverance! Don't surrender to NOT putting it all out on the table because you are afraid of unknown consequences (successes)...finish what you start, approach with the heart of adventure and discovery, apply the opportunity of mastery and becoming, but STAY the course!  It is so worth seeing it to the other side.  2. @#..STUFF happens! What do you think living would involve (or look like) if it had not a thing going on? wouldn't be living. Expect a bump, a challenge, a trial to overcome, a quest to be bested, a valiant effort to be going to be eventful, so make the most of it (you watch movies for the action, drama, comedy, and thrill...where do you think the stories are coming from?) 3. Family time and talk is GOLDEN! However you want to define the "families" in your life (I have many), there is nothing so precious as witnessing the glow of the heart through genuine and watchful LOVING appreciation of one another.  The bliss of excitement this brings and ALWAYS brings to my heart is beyond this world (and a treasure surrendered for divine storage). And last but not least 4. Maintenance and care is for everything.  If I retired my life and functioning because I needed my battery charged instead of just fixing the problem with a SIMPLE and known fix...well, I feel very strongly about giving things the care they need and if they indicate they need specific attention, then give it due consideration.  This is the part of the "story" that really needs change and reflection through another lens. Time for new perspective...otherwise...(let's just say I am done with the re-runs and sit coms of THIS drama :P) Where are you playing re-runs of the same sitcom in your life?   (Probably would be the running thread of "not this again" that keeps the show on the air ;) and yes, someone is watching it...with popcorn...and a drink :P ) Stop and observe, stop and listen, stop and learn, then go and do what needs to be done.  Apply the lerning (LOL I can misspell if I want to ;) ).

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