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My imperfections and failures are as much a blessing from God as my successes and talents.  ~ Mahatma Gandhi

Thursday, January 30, 2014

What you focus on expands. Stop complaining

 Good morning! SO!!! I couldn't help but to think....for ALL OF YOU FOLKS that LIVE and LOVE to COMPLAIN about snow in Winter....where are you going to go NOW that has not been touched by snow this year?...HA!! (Sorry to hear Hawaii) There's a saying...what you focus on if you think by hating something that it will go away, think again....and if you don't want the snow to hit you in your most "tropical" of excursions and areas, you may want to give it due gratitude before it finds you there too

All I know, is that I LOVE when it SNOWS in Winter and it is sunny and warm in Summer. But it can happen anytime and any place now, so release expectation and enjoy as you
Enjoy a great day!

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