Good morning!! WOW!! This KID!! Slapping his brother square in the face! What a bully!!
But man, am I grateful to declare that we have decided to set him decide from this point forward what relationship he is going to choose to build with his family. We cut that off!! No more of the disrespect and dishonouring will we take, and we will not forget it either....and we choose to continue in love and respect in his direction.....we choose forgiveness. Not just forgive him, but also forgive ourselves for allowing it to continue.
It's in these moments (my goodness, so many...) I am surprised by how it speaks to our hearts...
What is going to be your response? What will you choose in this moment after the slate has been wiped clean? You can feel offended (victimized) and hang your body low and skulk off into the shadowy corner OR you can feel glad for forgiveness and start to building up the type of relationships and life that you really want to live. Shadow keeps to itself where Light gives its beneficial brightness freely to others (hmm out of being brightness overflowing with more than enough to share).
So, enjoy a bright and beautiful NEW day 

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