"Why me?"..... A "small" part of me ask this question of God each day and the answer is always the same...."because you asked me to"....and from there I am filled with gratitude and encouragement.
We may not know or understand the ways and whys behind the whats in our lives...
....I am blessed to be SURROUNDED on a continual basis with others whose situations, struggles, challenges, and pains (oh, the pains) are far worse than my own.....chemically sensitive, foods that "don't sit" well with me (among other "highlights" in my life), and although through many modalities I have seen many shifts, changes and, improvements, many things still remain....to serve a greater purpose....perhaps a challenge...every time I ask, I am given a situation that reminds me why....
...to be considered a safe place for even strangers to approach with their deepest of stories and griefs while sitting with a friend on her lunch break and as my children played open-air chess....to share that they have a beautiful smile and heart to share and give when it seems as though they have nothing...
...and as I embrace with ease these "things" about me that are "challenging", they remind me on a daily basis...."consider the fruit"...."Does this serve to my own delight or can I choose to embrace others within my choices, and oddly enough to my delight as well?"
....so what is it that I ask of God? "Please, if it is your Will, have my life and my choices serve to the benefit, the encouragement, and the building up of others."
Grateful for where I "fall short" and how it still serves as a lesson or encouragement. Grateful that to many I seem strong and resilient, when for me, I feel weak and sometimes trapped. Grateful to know that I am known to delight in the service of others (and for me, it is to connect with others in unlikely places). Grateful for the gifts that I am unaware of, and grateful for what about me that others may not appreciate, find annoying, frustrating, and would rather I just got rid of or went somewhere else with it. And above all, I am grateful that I love...and that I am still present to share in this experience called love....and to feel on this human level what it feels like in love....
This holiday season, I pray that you may feel THIS love (stuck-in-the-back-of-your-throat-making-you-want-to-cry-with-overwhelm-and-fear-of-unknown-levels-of-joy-kinda-love....==> it is not pain, it is not weakness, it is the feeling of loving flow to overflowing) and let it flow through you and EXTEND it to those around you.
Happiness to all your Holy Days and glory and praise to the Highest.

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