Dear 2013,

A focus on the whole package (health, wellness, spirituality, and all it's connections) and how to live the best life I can.
John 10:10
My imperfections and failures are as much a blessing from God as my successes and talents. ~ Mahatma Gandhi
Dear 2013,
"Give us this day our daily bread...."
I have the biggest THANK YOU going out to my peeps from the days of old...we hung out, played basketball, sang in stairwells, stood up for one another, stood out, loitered at the mall, chilled at the bus terminals, WEM dance parties, danced in da' basements, Shep step team, and so much more...182's, West End peeps, Shep folks....chime in! Love ya guys! Thanks for making my memories sweet
Observation from those who have been in financial distress and back again....
"The potential of your future matters more than the errors of your past."
Moving from fearful one-talent-saving-man into saavy 5-talent-investing-guy is a good thing to consider in all areas. But also, sometimes it is better to give talents away for free for the benefit of others now than to hold onto it with the hopes of financial gain later. #oneanotherinvesting #winwinandwin #itsALLgood #trustinaGreaterVision
Deep laughter, great food, hot beverages, big and constant smiles, glowing green cast, happy young men, pink boys, deep refreshing breaths, twirling toddler, and BIG HUGS!!! What a great, and encouraging Christmas dinner and most encouraging and thought-filled gift of fellowship with
"Why me?"..... A "small" part of me ask this question of God each day and the answer is always the same...."because you asked me to"....and from there I am filled with gratitude and encouragement.
I have been graced with such a great and IMPRESSIVE day yesterday that today feels like a Tuesday. I love Mondays as it is my time to reflect on the week that past and move forward into the week ahead, but today I was moved into the week ahead and reflection will have to be on the fly (which is fine as its an ongoing process...observation). Just noticing that my days as catalyst and observer are shifting more into an active contributor role,....get over it?'s not an over-under thing....let go of it and move on....Yes, travelling lighter and lighter and faster and faster....and I allow for its full flow.... #BringItOn #shifthappens #beingfullness #allowingmore #lightentheload #leavetheBurdenbehind
Preparations for 2014....Hmmm...lots put under consideration today...looking to where the energy is most excited and expansive....contraction heeds thankful for putting down a vision, of what it looks and feels like going ahead in a New Year, ahead of time so I can more easily make decisions that allows for its fruition (not to say the decisions will be "easy", but definitely more clear
The word that is coming forward a LOT in conversation lately is Justify....this word for some reason causes me to pause and consider the context of the bout you? What does the word "justify" mean to you and how do you use it?
So your ears are itching and your eyes see what you are willing...always looking for the fight...the resistance, the drama!!! You see that others hate you, but....are you willing to extend love their way? What I have seen today in multiple and varying situations is that we need to look PAST what brings us down and CONNECT to what builds up others as well as ourselves.... #truth #LOVEfirst #speaktotheheart #beINthemoment #loveandRespect #setapart #Luke6:27-
Good morning!! BLESSED and again blissed over and over again....Considering all the things that others find WRONG with me
Good morning! Sunshine (through the clouds) again YEAH!! It's like a huge smile
Enjoying the warmth and sunshine....I love "typical" Edmonton weather....that the cold never lasts too long and is always followed by quick melting and sunny skies.....unfortunately most people remember it as 8 months of blistery cold and snow
Good morning! I wore a jacket that I got this weekend from a friend (because its warmer out) and before heading out the door my youngest yells at me..."Is that all you are wearing out of the house!? You look so skinny!" HA HA HA!! SO I think it's time to invest in a new winter jacket combo than the one I have been wearing, but yes, after a week of some serious inflammation, I am back to "normal"
Good morning! Wicked migraine woke me, but I am grateful....Had pain in my back for most of the day, and yet I am grateful. Pain is not an excuse to disconnect, and YES it makes it hard to stay in the moment and be connected (in all directions and spaces). If I could even describe ...hmmm...have you seen the movie "Wreck-it Ralph"? I feel like the character Vanellope von Schweetz....glitching in and out...also reminds me of a scripture, Philippians 1:23-26 ("I am torn between the two..."
There are also other thoughts that do not serve to your health well, no matter how well justified or reasoned they may (yours!) is not just for your own benefit, but benefits those around you as well....look to the fruit and you will see if it is beneficial or not #principleovercircumstance #focusonlongevity #sustainblehealth