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My imperfections and failures are as much a blessing from God as my successes and talents.  ~ Mahatma Gandhi

Friday, May 19, 2023

Let’s talk about perfect

 Let’s talk about perfect

Definition: having all the required or desirable elements, qualities, or characteristics; as good as it is possible to be.

We’re done!

You ARE already! For the moment that you are in now and the life you are living now AND for who you will become from the place you stand in now, you are perfect.

What if you allowed yourself to question…?

How do I ALREADY have all the required or desirable elements?
How do I ALREADY have all the required or desirable qualities?
How do I already have ALL the required or desirable characteristics?

How are things as good as they can possibly be?

This prompts for me more questions…

For what? What is the main objective? WHO holds the main objective? What is the plan or intention that is operating?

And… how could I possibly add anything additional to the moment that I am in now before it passes?

You see, as I look at this definition (I haven't referred to my old crusty dictionary that I found in the shed yet LOL) and contemplate, I know that my contemplation of it is perfect in this moment.

It’s currently my quiet time, where I listen to and study out God’s word and get into conversations (podcasts, videos, reels, etc.) and this word stood out to me in what they were sharing.

I then opened up a bible resource, and looked up scriptures with the word, “perfect”. I saw many that spoke of God’s Way and Word being perfect and then the phrase came to my head (no more can be added and it serves a great purpose).

I then referred to the dictionary to see what they had to say about the word perfect.  And upon seeing that it is” …as good as it is possible to be”, I found myself washed over with peace and connection. It rested on me as a dove… it reminded me of the zen philosophy of Enso (part of my core “toolbox”), and in that space I felt grounded, centered,  and supported.

You see, this week I felt the weight of not having met a timeline I had been working toward. Even the idea of moving the needle forward to allow for more time, just didn’t seem to “fit”. I haven’t given up, but I do know that, years ago when I “struggled”(?) with perfectionism, this would have tore me up inside. It would have started a wave of critical self-talk, using phrases that were whipped against me for years from others that were in my life. I took on that harmful language as my own, proving them “right” over and over again. One or two phrases still haunt me out loud. I can kinda hear one right now… and then the voice of advocacy comes in with compassion and grace and reminds me… “...things are …as good as it is possible to be”.

WOW right?? Look how that stepped in and made Grace my companion. <3 

So this goes back to some of my original questions… “What is the plan or intention behind this “perfection”?

Well, I think it depends on how people relate to the idea of “perfection” and ultimately the relationship they create with it.

For me, my relationship with “perfection” NOW is one of grace, compassion, and celebration. It’s one that is connected to a bigger picture. And that bigger picture has me “ good as it is possible to be” moment to moment, choice by choice. If I believe that I am divinely supported and celebrated to be my better and best self each day, wouldn’t I continue to take steps to follow through with some sort of action (again another toolbox zen philosophy, kaizen, chimes in here) each day so that I can partake in the witnessing of what is being “observed” at some higher viewpoint over my life?

I remember the exact moment that I was released from the perfectionism “prison” I found myself in…

I was shoveling snow. We lived in our westend condo. Our neighbours had a rough night (they lived a rough life…) And it was first thing in the morning. He was out for a smoke and I was playing with the phrase “practice makes perfect”. He spoke up and said, “Why are you shovelling now? You know it’s just going to get covered in snow again in a few hours.” And I replied, “Perfection is in the practicing.” BOOM! The door to the prison cell flung open and I realized that it’s the practice of LIVING that holds “our” perfection. And that it is unique to each and every one of us. My prayer for having compassion for humanity was answered in that moment. Or at least in a tangible way that I could move forward and apply into my life.

It’s in THIS space that I recognize that we are both enough as we are right now AND in the full permission to pursue “more” and “better” and “best” and “excellence” and mastery in our lives going forward. It’s by design…and I think that “design” is pretty “perfect”. ;) 

The scripture Phil 4:8 is one of my favourites, “ Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things. “

Alrighty, time to perfectly continue with my morning routine and the rest of my day. What a “perfect” quiet time this was ;) 

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