Good mawning!
Are you willing to give the little things more life?
I found this I was stepping out of my car to run into the grocery store to grab something.
But I squealed with excitement at this thing I found and ran back to the car to give it a safe place.
The grocery store didn't have what I went in for, but I did come away with more than I expected.
Delight! Awe! Wonder! Compassion and excitement. 

And then I forgot it in the car 

I woke up in the morning remembering I didn't take it out and ran and got. Quickly putting it in water and hoping for the best.
WHY all this effort LOL? Because I love seeing things live. I also love knowing that I can nurture something to be more alive, even if just for a moment.
You see, I believe we ALL deserve to be supported in living a more fulfilling life. I think it's at the heartbeat of enjoying excellence and showing up with confidence and purpose.
Do you feel you are living that way? Full and with the support in your living?
I know I need that life-giving experience and support in my day to say living...and perhaps you are the same.
I'm looking forward to sharing a beautiful experience of support with a group this July. Embracing the sights, sounds, and support in a once in a lifetime experience...
If you would like to know more, send me a message or comment.
And for today, know that you are cherished and celebrated...because you ARE alive and living. 

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