Good mawning!
A robin perched outside our kitchen window and began to sing. I tried to whistle back to the bird in a similar song and got it totally wrong LOL. My son cringed (the music guy) and laughed at me while shaking his head. I sounded NOTHING like the robin ( I can usually do a decent bird song) and the melody was totally off. And after a long pause, the robin chimed back in….matching the melody I had whistled. WOW! I shared my amazement to the bird and thanked it for its encouragement and connection. And then again! It did the same melody back to me as though prompting me to follow suit. More than 3 times…while I just continued to speak back with my “regular” speech. Usually I am up for the challenge of mimicking the melody of a bird singing and whistling it back…but not this time

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