Good mawning!
This morning as I had a mini devo with my oldest, we explored the ideas around the ideas of …getting stuck in the past, perfectionism, narcissism, and Anakin Skywalker.
It was sparked from a quote/statement I posted and shared yesterday about starting with an intention into becoming who you are.
BUT…what if that intention (or entertained thought) is a non-serving one? What then?
In the mindset “lingo” that myself and others who practice the 4 pillar EYL system, there is something called “Bound Nature”. And often times, you are looking to interrupt this ‘nature’ before it gains momentum and “becomes” something more…usually something that is not wanted or beneficial.
This time, we went through the stages from the statement (Intention, behaviour, habit, practice, second nature and then the becoming of who you are…) and looked at the “evolution” of Anakin Skywalker “becoming” Darth Vader.
Don’t progress to the next level. It is often a choice made at the thought/intention level. And more often than not unfortunately, it happens without extra consideration because there wasn’t a vision to guide us in the first place.
Of who it is that you want to become. Start with the “end” in mind perhaps…. Give yourself some time to even gift yourself the glimpse of what that would look like. Then sprinkle in “stuff” in the journey that you MIGHT want to gravitate towards and how that would feel.
What “kind” of person do you want to be? Loving, thoughtful, romantic, family man/woman/person, adventurous… ?
What actions/behaviours does a loving person display? A loving parent display? A great friend and partner display? How does their daily habits let you know they are these things?
Anyways, the main point was…observe and choose and make adjustments and interruptions BEFORE you become something that you never imagined becoming. (A.K.A. Check yo’self before you wreck yo’self…
