Good morning!
It's sunny outside today
For a lot of people I know, this is an extreme mood booster! Why not?!? It feels good to see the brightness stream in and feel the warmth of the sun on your skin

But what if I got real "deep" in saying that....the sun is ALWAYS radiating it's heat and light in our lives. And by and through and with....whatever phrasing you want to put to the "action" of the sun simply by its influences the clouds that form and are a part of our cloudy days. It influences the amount of moisture that gathers in those clouds and fall on your "rainy" days. It influences the glow we enjoy at night from the moon (It's a FULL MOON today/tonight

. It influences our weather and "seasons". It influences even what we call night and day. It is ever-present in our lives.

No matter what we are experiencing from that which is listed, the sun plays a part in it. We get the gifts of going through different states of being, different circumstances, different perspectives, different responses, and different moods all within a 24-hour span. Each and every day is filled with "different", yet there is "something" that remains the same.
Today, the "something" I am focusing in on is my "core being" and my "neutral" head space. I am here! I get to observe being IN this day, no matter what shows up....and I get to participate in it AND even...influence my experience of it.
It's a consistent and constant practice of calibrating that balance for myself. I can't think that we as humans have ever been without balancing ourselves. Would that make it a part of our living process? I see so many strengthened through the embracing of ALL in their lives. Knowing what "good" and "free" and "light" look/feel/move is like and, recognizing it, even when things feel "cloudy" or "extra" or "low" or "dark" and knowing that my "core" is still there. I am long as I am aware of me being in a new day, then my core is present in all weather/seasons/day or night... and even on a sunny day like today

I think we can choose to accept, be with, move through, and even learn from our various states of being and experiences, and keep adapting our way back to balance. Even from super sunny days and great moments, we can find our way back to a peaceful hum and enjoy it

Now to get dressed and ready to be out in the sun

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