Good morning! (While it's still morning where I am)
I'm just working on a little presentation that I will be sharing tomorrow morning at church...a testimonial as it were...(if you are interested, send me a PM and I can pass along the details...)
And many thoughts have been coming up.....moreso around the fact that this past week has been a bit challenging. I have personally felt as though I was "under the weather". Which is very possibly true, but it just looked like I had a late night and could use a nap....I trust that I have a strong immune system because I put in the work to keep it that way....most of the time. This week though, I don't feel as though I put that work in. I didn't eat like how I wanted to...mainly because I didn't want to eat....but I ate because "having to" eat means that I will also cook for my family. But honestly, sometimes we actually don't "need to" do the things we think we "have to" or "should" do.
And this ties into where my thoughts are this morning....I honestly "get to" choose who and HOW I get to be in each day. And because someone else made the choice that they "get to" BE something bigger than just enough for themselves, I "get to" enjoy that freedom in my life too. Choice....and loving BIG enough that it encompasses others... Loving with such strong passion, that it blasts through all our excuses to stay disconnected or self-serving in behaviours that actually don't serve us very well ( I know, sometimes we think it's because we deserve something, but when we actually look at it, is it the most loving choice we would give to ourselves?).
I don't "have to" feel stuck or burdened....and I "get to" choose to feel released from burdens or behaviours that don't serve to my highest needs....
I "get to" love others freely and not hold MYSELF under judgment worrying what others might think if I choose to love freely...
Even just the thought of it feels like sunlight pushing through the clouds and warming my face.
Have a great weekend everyone. MUCH Love

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