Good morning! It feels like it has been a while...with dodgy connection issues, I haven't posted as much and instead, headed out into the sunshine and made the most it

I definitely have been enjoying much of my time with my boys and after experimenting in the kitchen this past weekend, my ponderings have developed into a statement...."managing abundance".
The flow and experience of those cinnamon rolls we made this weekend had us thinking about how to scale back the recipe to maximize the taste experience while reducing the bulk. We modified a regular recipe, and I doubt if we did it the same way as the recipe recommended it would be much different. It was SO filling!! And a bit much actually that I didn't want to eat much more after it....we were just stuffed LOL.
It didn't feel great. And as much as the taste of it wasn't over the top goodness like some of our other recipes, it wasn't that bad that we didn't want to eat
. But we all decided that it did need to be scaled down and maximized...smaller portions with all the goodness.

So I pondered, what if this life.....that we are living, is the result of managing the flow of up-front-bulk of "at-our-feet" abundance...??? What if ....we have taken on filters, biases, and judgments to put off or even narrow the flow of everything we want coming to us all at once? What if it really IS all right there in front of our faces and waiting for us to use it? That could feel like the "fire hose" effect
. One turn and it's FULL BLAST in our face LOL. 

So what about this abundance in our lives? What if we did put "limits" and screens, and filters to see only what we want to see in any given moment to block out most of this abundance flooding in?....what if we get so used to the experience of narrowing the flow that it gets passed on through the point of even forgetting that it's all up-front , waiting and available to begin with? What if, in divine conception, we are created already managing the flow in more bite-sized chunks with the condition of having to ASK for more if we would like another "bite"?
I asked our boy if he was full because he left a large amount left on the plate. He said he would get back to finishing it later, but he was actually turned off by how full it made him feel. Really, it wasn't a big size as what he had had in the past...different gluten-free cinnamon rolls, but made with a different flour.
What if, we are turned off by the "too much" of the options and resources that are placed at our feet? Would that make you feel overwhelmed? I know for me I can get overwhelmed by having all the options show up at once and then feeling like I have to rush to make a choice. I implied the "pressure" into the situation....WHY?? Why did I feel that I needed to rush through making a decision? Why can't I take a moment to sit back with all the options laid out before me and feel into what is a "best fit" for me and that serves to a greater/bigger picture experience? So I have...I added the "space/time" clause when considering options. I don't "jump" because I am rushed or haste is implied. Probably from the experience that then it becomes a reaction and not a choice on my part....I like there being a "gap" between stimulus and response (thanks to BCAP for putting that experience into words), so that I can use my gift of "choice" wisely.
As a common expression leads into, it's about taking it one bite at a time. Take time to chew. Take a moment to savour. Allow a bit more time to digest. It can feel overwhelming when you think you have to take it all in at once, but we don't have to keep creating "limits" and "restrictions" that cut us off completely when having to make a choice from an assortment of options. Choice is a high level currency and spending it well should take consideration.
My son said he would get back to the rest of the cinnamon roll when he was ready. And he did....the next day
. What if, we "reframed" it from the idea of "limiting"/"separating"/"cutting-off", and set perimeters by which we get to CHOOSE from the "buffet" for what we need in the moment?....what we have the capacity for at that time?...and even giving ourselves the opportunity to allow for time to process what it is we would like to enjoy or experience in the first place. Can we have a vision that helps us to make those choices more clear and helps us to better see from the PILE of abundance in front of us what it is that helps bring us into our vision? Yeah....I think so. Taking in the already available support and resources for our lives...bite by bite, day by day, a bit at a time.

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