Good morning!
Greater wisdom has been gained this week, both through allowing a message to be shared, that translated into a challenge accepted, that now comes with a living example for future reference (filing it away in the "toolbox" for later use

Do you feel that you honour, respect, celebrate, AND appreciate the relationships you have in your life? And the ones that we naturally start thinking about are those that are close to us....our loved ones. Do you honour your mother and father? Do you share gratitude for those in your close circle of influence? Maybe you do...and maybe you wish you were a better friend, better mother, better partner....what ever it is, give it a thought.... 

And now, do you recognize the POWER of influence your consistent relationships have over your life? Those who you are around consistently....what are they like? How do you see that influencing who you are? ....OH WAIT!!! Did you see that? We forgot about a pretty vital relationship.....YOU!!!!
HOW ON EARTH are you going to be able to distinguish WHAT influence and impact is being made ON you unless you recognize the "WHO" of who you are in the first place? Too often people just take in info and influence like a sponge and pack it on like clay....a lot of that has to do with how we are trained to take things in and what we "should" be focusing on, not realizing that we are being "affected" in the "background" of the activities of life....we end up mindlessly molding ourselves into something we had no idea we were creating (well actually, on a passive level, you allowed "whatever" to be formed through not giving it more thought, but that is a later discussion...) . And then we find that we may be struggling all over the place with relating to others.
So....Today, I am re-centering back on enjoying the "Me" that I am.
AND I will be out in nature reflecting with my bird-brothers and squirrel-sisters as we move together, living and breathing, and appreciating how I can grow more beneficial in the relationships around me as well as the relationship WITHIN me

Have a great weekend!
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