Good morning!
LOL! Gotta love the stuff you get to experience while driving....this morning, as I was coming into a traffic circle, the person in front of me didn't use their signal so I just chose to take a different route. And as I spoke to the person in front of me (you know, because people can actually hear you when you intend for them to pick up what you are saying from inside your car....
), I asked, 'Are you going to use your signal?'. ROFL, well, as soon as I asked, they did

I was laughing ....with gratitude because I chose to change lanes, ...laughing because of the "timely" response, and laughing because simply, I realized in that moment, that people may not know how to indicate their intentions to others and that's why they don't do things that others would expect them to do, and maybe why so many walk around confused....

I realized in that moment, that I really "don't know" and "know" at the same time by what people present at the time....
Are you feeling confused? Well, this past week I learned that maybe we actually DON'T get confused at all. We are giving our focus and attention to things that don't serve us and we can get caught up in that loop , playing things over and over...and over again in our mind trying to conclude and make sense of it....when in fact, if we just shift our focus repetitively in the direction we DO want to be giving our attention to, things would change and we would begin to "see" the clarity before us. And find a way where we thought there wasn't a way to figure things out....
Signalling in traffic is not FOR YOU at all (unless you like the sound of the clicking like I do LOL). It's for everyone else who is on the journey, travelling the same road as you along the way. They can make allowances for your needs to flow through to get to where you want to get to, BUT it flows much smoother when we are indicating our intentions in some way to be supported in our journey.
How often do we make "off the cuff" decisions without letting others know or getting advice? It can be done....and it's funny how sometimes, some of those decisions would have played out a bit smoother with a little consideration of the other players involved and some trusted feedback ahead of time...
So yeah, maybe they just don't know how to signal through traffic circles, but at least they tried to signal and give others a heads up.
Let's try and give focus forward to where it is we are wanting to go WITH consideration of who is there around us along the way.
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